Monday, February 18, 2013

9 Months!

My Lil Stell Bell you are 9 months old, and not so lil anymore! You have grown and changed so much lately, that your turning into such a big girl right before my eyes! In the past two weeks you have started crawling and pulling yourself up on everything! I am one proud mama and so excited for you but also sad at the same time. Every milestone you reach means you are that much closer to turning one and that is hard for me to believe! You are such a sweet girl, with a fun personality and the most contagious smile.....we get comments everywhere we go about what a cute, happy, smiley baby you are:) I love watching you play as you are so curious and amazed by everything right now, I just wish I knew what your were thinking;) We love getting your big wet slobbery kisses, it's the cutest thing EVER seeing you lean in to give your daddy a big ole kiss, melts my heart! Once again this month has flown by and here is what we've been up too!
outtakes- taking pictures only last about 30seconds now days

Weight, Length & Head Circumference~
19 lbs 3oz, 63%
 27 1/2", 43%
16 3/4", 14%

Loves~ You love reading books, and turning the pages, especially the baby touch and feel puppies & kittens. Crawling, you love to go for anything you aren't suppose to have! (we are in full swing baby proofing) Looking out the front window, it's the first place you crawl to when we put you down and you pull you lil self right up and sit on your knees and bang on the window. Jumping, on our laps, in your johnny jump up or in your jumparoo you legs never quit moving. Dancing to music, you still love it loud and laugh when we have dance parties.Playing peek a boo. Clapping. You love when I wave really big and say hello or good bye you think it's hilarious and laugh every time. You also love when I  put the phone to your ear and act like someone is calling you, you crack the biggest smile
Love onesie Gg made you and reading your valentine card daddy got you:) 

Eating~  You eat around 4 bottles a day between 5-6 oz of soy formula and breakfast lunch and dinner w/ some kind of grain, fruits or veggies. You still hate meats and you still have a hard time eating anything solid thats not pureed, you choke and will puke it scares me every time!!! I'm hoping once you get some teeth that will help you out! We've been trying out the puffs lately and you get better and better each time and you love to suck on apples

Sleeping~ Still going to bed around 8 and sleeping till 7-730, but we just went through a whole week of no sleep because you were sick! Poor thing I'm sure it was no fun for you and I know it was no fun for us.  Napping I'm still working on getting you to sleep in you crib some days work and others not so much, but you love take naps in your car seat go figure

Clothing~ Mostly 6-12 month, you wear 12mon pjs, size 2-3 shoes and size 3 diapers during the day and 4 at night

Fun Facts~ You went to Florida for your second time, you are quite the beach babe. You play with your hair when your tired or getting a bottle, but sometimes you like to rip it out( not good) You visited your new twin girlfriends Audrey and Peyton, you liked patting Audrey's head while I was holding her. You went to your third 1st birthday party and the next one up is yours, mommy's in full out planning mode:)
Meeting the twins and at the birthday party w/dad! Sorry pictures w/ my iphone are looking awful lately

Firsts~ You wore your first bikini and you were OH SO CUTE!!! You got your first sled ride in the snow. Gg put your first ponytail in, You celebrated your first Valentines day and got totally spoiled by everyone, daddy was so sweet and even got you flowers:) You started crawling, pulling yourself up and waving. You tried eating puffs. You spiked your first fever and got your first ear infection, it was so sad to see you in pain:(
Bikini Babe, first ponytail and favorite new spot the window

First time playing in the snow 

Now that was a busy wonder why it went by so fast!  Daddy just said what did we do before you were here and I said we must have been really bored because you sure know how to keep us on our toes and laughing all the time:) Life has truly been sweeter with you baby girl and WE LOVE YOU so, so, very, very MUCH!!!!

Love Always & Forever,
Mommy & Daddy

And linking up for  Mommy & Me Monday
One of my favorites from our last florida trip (stella loves eskimo kisses)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Heart Day!!!

Wishing Every One A Happy Valentines Day, 
From My LIL Love Bug!!!!

Happy First Valentines Day Sweetie Pie!!! Even though we are all home sick, we are making the best of today.... at least we are all home together! We love you sooooo MUCH!!!
xoxo mommy& daddy