Friday, April 12, 2013

A much needed vacation!

Well to say I've had a crazy past few weeks is an understatement, I have not had great luck lately and I'm hoping we are on the turn around for that! It all started a few weeks ago when I got into a car accident, then our2 year old dishwasher broke, and this week my poor dog Chloe hurt her back badly no stairs for 4-6 weeks very limited activity and lets just say we've spent a small fortune for them to not be able to do anything but pain meds! With all this we are trying to finish our small kitchen remodel, I'm working on finishing stuff for bridal shower im cohosting next weekend, I'm helping throw a baby shower for my sil may 5th and I'm trying to work on stuff for Estella's 1st birthday which I'm so behind on it stresses me out! With so much on my plate, I've been looking forward to our family vacation for weeks and of course we get a winter storm warning the night before we leave, only to add to the stress of leaving my poor dog and putting a lot of responsibility on my brother to take care of her! Well we barely made it out, our plane was one of the last that got to leave before being canceled but we sat on the run way for 2 1/2 hours, our 3hr and 20 min plane ride turned into a 5+hr one! It was awful but Estella did amazing and at least we got out! So anyway we finally made it to sunny Fl yesterday and I could not be happier! I'm going to distress and enjoy the beach and warm weather!

Have a Happy weekend everyone, I'll leave you with a few pictures from last night... If you can't tell Stella is so excited to be here;) and it was the sweetest thing ever seeing stell hold Gg's hand as daddy pushed her on a walk, melt my heart!!!!


  1. Ok your Estella is a DOLL! Where in the midwest do you live? We're from the Kansas City area! Anyway, great pics and I hope you stop by my blog. Now I'm off to waste 20 minutes looking around your blog!!

  2. Geez, you definitely need (and deserve) a nice long wonderful relaxing vacation. Have a boat drink on the beach for me!
