Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love my lil Sweet Heart!!!

Today we went to adventure park for a Birthday Valentines play date! The kids ran wild and had so much fun ...Happy 2nd Birthday Miss Savannah!!!

Wednesday we had music class and Estella handed out her very first Valentines, the other kids were so excited to get them!

Monday we frosted heart cookies 

Holidays are the best with lil ones, We've been celebrating all week and of course can't help but spoil her with fun goodies! Tonight we are keeping it low key, Bry has a wine tasting to work so when he gets home we are making homemade pizzas and drinking LOTS of good wine;) 

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. She is so stinking cute! Hope you guys had a great Valentine's day!
