Monday, September 17, 2012

4 months old!

Yet again a whole month has flown by. I just can't get over how fast time is going with you baby cakes!!!  You just had your 4 month check up, and you did great.    

Weight & Length~ We have ourselves a shorty haha never thought I would say that with your daddy being 6'5. Your Dr. said we have nothing to worry about unless your height doesn't catch up your at 9 month appointment! That's ok with mommy just means I get to have you little for longer:)  
Weight~ 14lb 5oz 56%
Length~ 22.75 in 4%
Head~ 15.5 in 23%
Look how much you've grown!!!
Loves:  Your #1 love would be being held and being held while your love sitting on my lap rocking on the deck! What in the world am I going to do this winter??  You still love baths, going on walks, sucking on you fingers, standing, your Oball and Elli the elephant. You love loud music anytime you cry daddy turns on Green Day or The Beatles and you stop immediately. You giggle every time I sing but maybe it's because I'm horrible at it! You also love when we play patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, and head shoulder knees and toes!

Eating: Still soy formula usually 4oz sometimes more, sometimes less. You still spit up like crazy poor thing:( 

Sleeping:  At least 9 hours straight... way to go Girl:)  Your not the best napper. You take lots of little cat naps, unless your being held then you will take a good 2 hour nap.   

Fun Facts: Bath time makes you so sleepy, you sometimes fall asleep before it's over. You just figured out you have feet and I think we're going to have a hard time keeping socks on you! At your doctor appointment, she couldn't believe how close you are to sitting by yourself, she still thinks your very strong for your age:) You like gabbing, it's the cutest thing and boy would I love to know what your trying to tell me. 

Clothes:  Your mostly wearing 3 m and 3-6, I just started this week putting you in a few 6 m, but some are still pretty big! Your diapers are size 2 

Firsts: You had you first trip to the state fair and loved every second in the baby bjorn!  You tried out you exersaucer for the first time, it's still big so we have you stand on a pillow and put a blanket behind you. It keeps you busy for maybe 10 min and that a lot for you ha! You also had your first and last time to a chiropractor.

Stell Bell~(thats what daddy likes to call you) You are one amazing little girl that we couldn't be more in love with! I thank god everyday for the gift he's given us and I know we are so lucky to have been blessed with you! We're looking  forward to our first family trip to FL and we can't wait to see what else this next month has in store for us!!!

Love  Always & Forever,
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Go Vikings!

 Our favorite time of year is here! This means football started, it's time to take out the crock pot, light my fall leaves candle (best sent bath&body works makes), bring out my boots, put my fall decor up and that Halloween is right around the corner!!! Lots of fun things to look forward to this fall and hopefully our home team can win a few more games then last year;) GO VIKINGS!!! 

I had to dress lil miss up for the game and she looked so cute! 
I'm thinking we have a future Vikings cheerleader in the making:)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Won't be seeing you again Mr. Chiropractor

I was really looking forward to today, I was bringing Estella to the chiropractor for the first time! I had read about how good it is for a baby and especially a baby that suffers from acid reflux.  Don't get me wrong Stelly has been way better since being on her medicine but she still has some symptoms that seem to make her uncomfortable and she spits up after every meal! Of course I wanted to try anything once to see if it would make my baby girl feel better, but boy was I wrong with trying this! Now I'm sure there are good places out there without crazy asses working at them but that wasn't the case today! First off I found this place by googling chiropractors who practice on infants. This place happened to pop up first. It wasn't far from home and the news covered a story on him working with infants and fixing acid reflux and colicky babies. Boom right there I thought he's got to be legit! 

Well he was a total whack job and made me feel like a horrible parent! I can't even remember all the craziness that happened but this is what I got out of it!  I should have never had an epidural or pitocin that is what started some of her problems, her medicine is making it worse and I need to quit using it and I'm putting poison into her by getting her vaccinated! Also I about shot through the roof when he stuck his finger in her mouth with no glove on! That is just sick buddy, I don't care that you washed your hands before you came in because I just watched you use the computer and touch all kinds of things in the room! So.. lessoned learned I won't be going anywhere again without knowing someone who's been before. I'm so sorry Stelly, I feel awful for taking you there!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Testing out my new camera on ~ LIL Miss Angel

This mama is one happy lady, I've been wanting to get a nice camera for some time and we finally got one! I went with the Canon eos reble t3 and I'm in love with it so far! My good friend Jess did a lot of research before she bought hers and recommended it. I researched a few others, but for what I was looking for and it being my first D SRL camera it seemed to suit my needs best! I'm looking forward to taking a class, I can't wait to learn everything about it and start taking great pictures. I did try it out this past weekend, and had a little photo shoot with Stelly. Her baptism is the last weekend of September, so I need to get her invitations out and wanted a cute picture for it. Of course gg and I got her all dolled up. I made her a tutu and gg made the crown and we added some feathers for angel wings and this is what we got....  
Thank Heaven For Little Girls

This is the one I chose for the invitation and they turned out so cute:) 


I thought we did pretty good for the 5 min she lasted before she got too hot and uncomfortable!
Estella you make one pretty adorable little angel and we love you so much!!!