Thursday, November 15, 2012

6 Months!!!

Holy smokes baby girl you are 6 months OLD!!! I can not believe it. You are 1/2 a year old already and once again I don't know where the last month went or the last 6??? Time has got to slow down a little. I just love this age, you have such a fun and strong lil personality, you definitely know what you want when you want it and aren't afraid to let us know;) You are a happy baby that loves to smile your big gummy smiles and chat up a storm! We had one awesome, fun and busy month lets see what you were up to!

Weight/ Length~ We will find out on Monday, but I'm guessing 17.5 lbs and 25 in
Update, we had your appointment this morning and I was so right
Weight~ 17.6 lbs 69%
Length~ 25 in 14%
Head~ 16 in 11%

Loves~ Anything mommy has you want too, Being held, Baths, loud music, dancing with mommy & daddy, stroller rides, grabbing for anything and everything, your dog Chloe or any dog, shopping with gg, making motor boat sounds with your lips/ spitting everywhere. You love to jump and dance (we say you have a lil jig dance because sometimes you only move one leg and it's hilarious). You've started to love being in your Johnny jump up now that you've got the hang of it! Playing with your toys, sucking on anything but you love love to suck on your sassy strawberry with ice in it! You also love when I read and sing to you, you like to turn the pages for me or take the whole book and chew on the corners:)

Eating~ You still eat around 4oz at a time! You also eat fruit and rice cereal in the morning and veggies/ fruit at dinner
Carrots anyone???

Sleeping~ You are a great sleeper at night! We usually start getting ready for your bath around 7 we give you a good massage with nighttime lotion, put on your pjs and sleep sack and your ready for your bedtime bottle! You sleep anywhere from 7:30/8pm- 6/7am sometimes you take a bottle and go back down for another hour but some days you are up for the day

Clothing~  Your clothes size is kind of all over the place some 3-6 still fit great other 6m are too small 9m fits great in the belly but pants and the onesie are too long same with 6-12m! We've moved you up to size 3 diapers they are a lil big yet but at night the 2's  didn't quite cut it!  Gg and I have been working on so many cute Holiday outfits for you I can't wait to share

Fun Facts~  You sit up all by yourself really good now, You always get the shivers, and you have a fake cough when you want attention but it's so stick you tongue out during the cough! You've lost a lot of your hair and it's growing back so light you are going to be a Blondie... not sure where that came from! Your furry sister Chloe is your bff she can make you smile anytime she walks by! You always try to pet/grab her fur and Chloe loves you just as much because all she wants to do is lick your face. Anytime you cry she goes running to you and barks at us to come.

Firsts~ You had your first Halloween, went to your first parade, first pumpkin patch, First time having a sippy cup, and we've tried lots of new foods. Green beans you did not like, but sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apricots, apple, pears, bananas, carrots you love. Dad also had you try and play drums for the first time, but you aren't too sure about them yet, the loud noise kind of scares you a little still.

All done you, you were over the pictures and wanted your sticker off

I know these next two months are going to fly by even faster with your first Holidays coming up...but I couldn't be more excited to start new family traditions with you! I have lots of exciting, fun things planned for us, & I can't wait! Estella you are such a blessing to us, and you have brought so much joy to our family! I can't even explain how amazing it is to watch you grow and change each month! Life is just so much sweeter with you baby girl, We love you more than anything!!!!

Love Always & Forever,
Mommy& Daddy

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