Friday, March 13, 2015

Babe #2 weeks 23-27

How far along~ 27 weeks

Maternity Clothes~ Oh yes, but  I've bought a few flowy tops recently that are not maternity that fit now and will be great for post baby bump

Stretch Marks~ Thankfully none or that I can see anyway

Sleep~ This department is beginning to get more difficult in the last week I've started waking up again 3-4 times a night to use the bathroom, also it's just getting harder to get comfortable. I always seem to wake up on my back which results in a sore tummy and back from all the pressure I guess that is why they tell you to sleep on your side. I've been wedging a pillow behind and in front of me to help but I'm still waking up on my back.

Best Moments~ Seeing baby girl at another ultra sound @26 weeks, passing my glucose test, painting the nursery and hanging the new light fixture! I feel like I'm already nesting, I just want
everything to be done ha!

Movement~ Yes and lots of it! Always makes me smile, it's just the best feeling!!! This lil lady moves way more then Estella ever did! But I only feel movement really low only on my left side. Once in awhile I'll feel a little something on my right side but girlfriend is curled up on my left side and head down and as low as she can be.

Cravings~ Chocolate donuts or anything else chocolate. Starburst jelly beans I can't stop eating!!! Also Iced coffee and Jimmy Johns veggie sandwiches

Gender~ Baby GIRL!!! Hadley Lynn

Labor Signs~ Well I thought maybe I was having some and that is why I got another ultra sound. Since 24 weeks I've been feeling A LOT of pressure. It was making me nervous because I know Stell was low too but I never felt pressure till the end. Right at 26 weeks it was getting way more intense! I kept saying I feel like she's going to fall right out of me and I had been feeling crampy so because of all that I decide to call and they had me come in. Well thank god I had no signs of early labor but her head is so low they couldn't measure my cervix with a regular ultra sound. The doctor said that is why I'm feeling so much pressure and I also have bad varicose veins...these bad boys are not on my legs if you catch my drift:( Which they say those are only going to get worse if I have them already, they can also be adding to the pressure and are painful. I would have never known if I didn't go in since nothings visible to me but the nurse said there isn't much I can do for them but try a belly belt. I'm glad I went in so I wasn't wondering what was going on for 2 more weeks before my next appointment.  I'm so thankful that baby girl is doing great and is healthy, that is what if mamas gotta be this uncomfortable for another 12 weeks it could always be worse.

What I miss~ A nice glass of wine and being comfortable... it's so worth it though

What I'm looking forward to~ Finding pieces for the nursery, dresser, rocking chair and decor also having my mom start the quilt and window treatment. Oh and I can't forget nicer weather too, we've had a week in the 50s and its felt AMAZING to be outside again after a long winter!

And a picture of Princess Estella just because she's so dang cute:)

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