Sunday, February 8, 2015

Babe #2 19-22 weeks

How Far along? 5 Months

Maternity clothes? Yep, for sure bottoms and mixing maternity and non maternity tops 

Stretch marks? Not yet, hoping I will be lucky like I was with Estella and won't get any 

Sleep? Pretty good, just getting up once a night for the bathroom and I just have to make sure when I switch sides I don't do it to fast or I get a super sharp pain low on one side 

Best moments Lately? Well the most exciting was finding out we are having another GIRL!!!! We couldn't be more excited for Stell to have a sister, also I can hardly contain my excitement for matching clothes...poor bry's in big trouble;)  I brought cake pops to work to share the fun news!!!

 Another best was going on vacy to florida for a week. It was great to getaway, relax on the beach and be with family. 

Movement? Oh yea feeling lots! I love it and daddy felt baby girl for the first time around 22 weeks, always such a special moment

Food cravings? Chocolate, ice cream 

Gender? Hadley Lynn


Labor signs? No and hopefully not for a long time

Belly button in/out? In! I don't think it will pop it never did the first time

What I miss: Not going to lie, I miss having a good glass of wine 

What I am looking forward to: Starting Haddie's Nursery!!!:)

And no post is a good post without a picture of Stell Bell, practicing being a big sister with bitty baby


  1. LOVE! Congrats on another beautiful baby girl!! So excited for you guys!

  2. Ah!! Sisters!! That is going to be sooooooooooo fun! So happy for your sweet family!
