Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

This is the last big holiday that Estella will be the only child for and we had lots of fun celebrating it! We started last weekend with an egg hunt, lunch and egg dying party at the golf club! Stell had so much fun and was really into finding the eggs or maybe it was all the chocolate as she ate her way through it;) Easter morning she was excited to go find her basket filled with goodies and we had bunny pancakes for breakfast . Afterwards we went to my cousins for brunch and another egg hunt and that night we headed to Bry's bothers for dinner! Hopefully Estella will get over being afraid of the Easter bunny because every time  I would say his name she would say I don't like him ha... better luck next year;)! 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Babe #2 weeks 23-27

How far along~ 27 weeks

Maternity Clothes~ Oh yes, but  I've bought a few flowy tops recently that are not maternity that fit now and will be great for post baby bump

Stretch Marks~ Thankfully none or that I can see anyway

Sleep~ This department is beginning to get more difficult in the last week I've started waking up again 3-4 times a night to use the bathroom, also it's just getting harder to get comfortable. I always seem to wake up on my back which results in a sore tummy and back from all the pressure I guess that is why they tell you to sleep on your side. I've been wedging a pillow behind and in front of me to help but I'm still waking up on my back.

Best Moments~ Seeing baby girl at another ultra sound @26 weeks, passing my glucose test, painting the nursery and hanging the new light fixture! I feel like I'm already nesting, I just want
everything to be done ha!

Movement~ Yes and lots of it! Always makes me smile, it's just the best feeling!!! This lil lady moves way more then Estella ever did! But I only feel movement really low only on my left side. Once in awhile I'll feel a little something on my right side but girlfriend is curled up on my left side and head down and as low as she can be.

Cravings~ Chocolate donuts or anything else chocolate. Starburst jelly beans I can't stop eating!!! Also Iced coffee and Jimmy Johns veggie sandwiches

Gender~ Baby GIRL!!! Hadley Lynn

Labor Signs~ Well I thought maybe I was having some and that is why I got another ultra sound. Since 24 weeks I've been feeling A LOT of pressure. It was making me nervous because I know Stell was low too but I never felt pressure till the end. Right at 26 weeks it was getting way more intense! I kept saying I feel like she's going to fall right out of me and I had been feeling crampy so because of all that I decide to call and they had me come in. Well thank god I had no signs of early labor but her head is so low they couldn't measure my cervix with a regular ultra sound. The doctor said that is why I'm feeling so much pressure and I also have bad varicose veins...these bad boys are not on my legs if you catch my drift:( Which they say those are only going to get worse if I have them already, they can also be adding to the pressure and are painful. I would have never known if I didn't go in since nothings visible to me but the nurse said there isn't much I can do for them but try a belly belt. I'm glad I went in so I wasn't wondering what was going on for 2 more weeks before my next appointment.  I'm so thankful that baby girl is doing great and is healthy, that is what if mamas gotta be this uncomfortable for another 12 weeks it could always be worse.

What I miss~ A nice glass of wine and being comfortable... it's so worth it though

What I'm looking forward to~ Finding pieces for the nursery, dresser, rocking chair and decor also having my mom start the quilt and window treatment. Oh and I can't forget nicer weather too, we've had a week in the 50s and its felt AMAZING to be outside again after a long winter!

And a picture of Princess Estella just because she's so dang cute:)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Babe #2 19-22 weeks

How Far along? 5 Months

Maternity clothes? Yep, for sure bottoms and mixing maternity and non maternity tops 

Stretch marks? Not yet, hoping I will be lucky like I was with Estella and won't get any 

Sleep? Pretty good, just getting up once a night for the bathroom and I just have to make sure when I switch sides I don't do it to fast or I get a super sharp pain low on one side 

Best moments Lately? Well the most exciting was finding out we are having another GIRL!!!! We couldn't be more excited for Stell to have a sister, also I can hardly contain my excitement for matching clothes...poor bry's in big trouble;)  I brought cake pops to work to share the fun news!!!

 Another best was going on vacy to florida for a week. It was great to getaway, relax on the beach and be with family. 

Movement? Oh yea feeling lots! I love it and daddy felt baby girl for the first time around 22 weeks, always such a special moment

Food cravings? Chocolate, ice cream 

Gender? Hadley Lynn


Labor signs? No and hopefully not for a long time

Belly button in/out? In! I don't think it will pop it never did the first time

What I miss: Not going to lie, I miss having a good glass of wine 

What I am looking forward to: Starting Haddie's Nursery!!!:)

And no post is a good post without a picture of Stell Bell, practicing being a big sister with bitty baby

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Lil Babe #2

Can I just start by saying how freaking excited I am to be pregnant again and to be able to give Estella a sibling!!! Being pregnant is seriously the most amazing thing to experience and I don't take it for granted at all. We didn't have the easiest time getting pregnant the first time ( it took a year before I got pregnant then had a miscarriage and it took another 8 months after the miscarriage. I started going to a infertility clinic we did lots of tests, medications, exploratory surgery and flushing my tubes to get Stell but it was all worth it!) So to my surprise after only being off the pill for 3mon we got Pregnant on our own, such a relief and I feel so blessed!!! I woke up on Oct 2nd thinking maybe I could be pregnant (I had gotten up for the past 3 nights like clock work having to go to the bathroom 2-3 times) so I took a test and that indeed was what the test said PREGNANT!!! Of course I took two more just to make sure! Stella was the only one home, so I told her he she was going to be a big sister and we jumped around like crazy people...I don't think she had any idea what was happening ha! I had to wait the whole day to tell Bry because I wanted to do it in person! He was having a horrible day so I got him a card telling him how awesome he is and what a great daddy he will be to two kids, he was so excited!

Baby #2 will be due sometime early June! I've been given June 3rd, 6 and the 9th,  so hopefully around then;) This baby will join it's daddy and I as we both have June birthdays and with Big sisters in May, what a fun busy time of the year it will be:)

A few fun facts- 
8 weeks ultra sound your heart beat was around the 170s
11 weeks ultra sound you were active and kept bringing you hand to your mouth
13 weeks first time hearing baby's heart beat with the doppler it was 151-152 it took forever to find it. I was so nervous the doctor was about to send me to have another ultra sound but just kept pushing harder and finally found it! She said you were hiding under my pelvic bone, I think you are going to hang out just like big sister and be very low
16 weeks  Started to feel a little movement. Also our family friend brought home a new ultra sound machine seriously the size of a phone to see if we could find out the sex! She wasn't confident with saying it was a boy or girl but she made a guess and I have a feeling she's right...we will see in a week! Can't wait to know for sure:) It was awesome being able to see you again, you were moving like crazy which was one reason why it was so hard to tell! Pretty sure we are going to have one active babe on our hands! For Estella this is when it clicked that there really was a baby in my tummy  
17 weeks Dr. appointment heartbeat was in low140s
18 weeks Baby is getting stronger and I can feel lots of movement especially every morning and night, puts a smile on my face every time:)  With big sister I don't remember feeling this much till 20-21 weeks

This pregnancy has been different but a little the same too. The first 12 weeks were more rough then Stell. I felt nauseous a lot of the day from morning till night but no throwing up so I can't complain! I had to do a double dose of progesterone and It says it can heighten you symptom and I believe that! I had progesterone with Stella to but just a normal dose so it's always great to hit 12 weeks so I could be done using them... it pretty gross stuff! Over all I've been more tired, but that might just be because I have another one to chase around now. Ive also be breaking out horribly I can't even stand to look at my skin YIKES! I've also had horrible back pain like end of your pregnancy back pain but starting right away and that also went away around 12 weeks thankfully. The doctor said it could be because your body already knows what to do so it moves a lot faster the second time which can cause more discomfort! The only other big difference is how fast I started showing this time, people weren't lying when they said you would with #2!  I am 19 weeks now and I've felt great lately!!! I'm sleeping pretty good and I'm feeling movement a lot now which is so comforting!

Cravings-  First 12 weeks nothing sounded good but Cheeseburgers, Chinese and cereal. Now I've been craving chocolate donuts again lord help me;) Ice cream, jimmy johns veggie sandwich and still cereal

 I've been horrible at keeping up with bump pictures and updates but here are the ones I've remembered!

Friday, January 9, 2015

A year of catch up!

I'm back after a very long break that wasn't intentional, I can't believe it has almost been a year since I've last blogged! I have a few drafted up but never finished them. Life got crazy after our house fire, we moved in with my parents (11 months to be exact) while we waited for the house to get fixed and sell it! It took 7 LONG months to sell but it finally sold and we were able to move on from that nightmare! We found a house we love, in a great neighborhood with tons of kids Stell's age...we can't wait for this summer to start using the pool! So with that being said we've had quite an exciting end of summer and fall! We moved, found out I was pregnant with baby #2 and bought a new bigger car to fit our growing family! It couldn't have been a better way to end 2014!

So lets back up a little and try to recap all we've missed......

February and march were still freezing temps but lil miss could have cared less and only wanted be outside.

 March started with a 2nd trip to Florida to visit Gg and grandpa, this trip daddy wasn't able to come with so it was just Stelly and me! grandpa spoiled us and up graded us to first class since I was flying alone pretty lucky lil lady to be 22 months flying first class. This trip we spent with lots of time on the beach. January you weren't so sure about having your toes in the sand but thankfully this time you loved it!

 April brought a trip to the zoo and Easter
Stell got her first scooter from the eater bunny and loved it

May was Birthday month. Estella turned the Big 2 and we celebrated with a zoo themed birthday she was obsessed with animals and still is
Woke up on her birthday to find a big trampoline 

I didn't take pictures but for all the kids we had a scavenger hunt for tiny zoo animals we had hid throughout the back yard
Monkey Pit

Photo booth fun daddy and your silly "uncles" being classy

June was lots of outside time, beach days at the lake, splash pad fun and a date night to bruno mars=Best night out, celebrated my 28th b-day and Bry's dirty thirty with friends

July we celebrated the 4th going up north, lots of swimming, had our 6th wedding anniversary, Bry and I went to the All Star Celebrity baseball game, Stella had her first dance class a 4 week trial and a new baby cousin to cuddle Miss Addison Kay joined the family and we love her so much

August was a busy one we sold our house, went to two weddings, more swimming, splash pad play dates, our big move on the 22nd, painting your room and The state fair like always it signifies the end of summer

September Girlfriend started Dance for the year, we did lots of unpacking, met the new neighbors and you ran wild with all the kids on our were in heaven!We also had my 10 year high school class reunion, started swim lessons again and found a new love for you scooter you are a pro on the thing

October we found out we were expecting again:) more scooter time, we went to the apple orchard, took two trips to the pumpkin patch, celebrated Halloween pretty much all month long. We went to the light up parade, you got to where your costume to dance, went to a pumpkin carving party at the neighbors, we entered you in the toddler costume contest that you took 2nd in last year and this year you WON 1st place! You were so excited because you got to be in the big parade and you ate up every second waving and saying hi to everyone. On Halloween night you made it around the whole neighborhood you trick or treated like a champ! Dad went out and I passed out the candy, he said you walked right in the the second house's kitchen haha, but you had a blast and still talk about Halloween-a (that is what you call it) almost everyday

November first snow fall of the season, lunch dates, husband surprised me with a new car, we celebrated Thanksgiving, Stella got her first hair cut, Bry worked crazy hours, tools family pictures, decorated for Christmas early and Lolly the elf came

December was crazy we went to Disney on ice it was so Fun, visited Santa, had your first holiday dance show, went to the lighting of the Christmas tree down town, went to an ugly sweater/ gingerbread making party, made/frosted lots of cookies, shopped till we dropped,and of course celebrating Christmas...Stella made the good list!

And now here we are in the New Year!  2015 is going to be a great year I can just feel it:)