Tuesday, January 15, 2013

8 months!

Girlfriend you are 8 months old, 8 MONTHS OLD... where in the heck did the time go???  I can hardly believe it, this by far has been that fastest month yet and I contribute that to the busy holiday season! Your my lil Stell Bell are turning into such a big girl and like all the months before I think your the cutest, smartest, most fun, smiley, sweetie pie I know:)

 We had one crazy busy month, but we've had lots of fun like always!

Weight/Length~ You have to be around 19lbs 

Loves~  You love giving Eskimo kisses, you stick your lil nose out waiting for one. You love Jumping in you jumparoo, you jump like crazy and it's definitely the thing that keeps you occupied the longest:) You love any toy that lights up, plays loud music or crinkles, looking in mirror, reading books especially the touch and feel ones, Clapping, patty cake, spitting/blowing bubbles, chewing on anything and everything, your big sis/dog Chloe, you love to grab her fur (poor thing) 
Clapping Machine

Sleeping~ You always sleep on your tummy now. For the most part you still go to bed around 7:30-8 and wake up between 6-7. Nap times another story they are all over the place 

Eating~ Soy formula, Fruits, veggies and you tried meat for the first time but you weren't digging it even mixed with a veggie! You love getting grapes, bananas and pears in the mesh feeder thing 
Happy Girl
Clothing~ You wear size 3 diapers and a 4 at night. Your clothes are 6-12 month or 9 month depending on the brand

Fun Fact~  You babble and snort a lot... it's so cute! Your a clapping machine, you've been clapping for awhile but I think this week you just figure out you can because you've been doing it non stop. Your daddy and I couldn't stop laughing because you were even doing it in your sleep:)  Your getting close to crawling but you roll or spin in a circles on your tummy if you want to reach something. You've started giving kisses and we just can't get enough of them!!
Your First New Years & Christmas

Firsts~ You had your First Christmas & New Years, you went to your first light up parade and tried eating meat for the first time

Miss Stelly you ROCK our world,  We love you to pieces and couldn't have asked for a more perfect baby!!! We count our blessings everyday!  I can't wait to spend the rest of the week on the beach in Fl with you sweetie and I know this month is going to be as fun if not more fun then last!!!

Love You Always & Forever,
Mommy & Daddy


  1. Happy 8 months cutie pie!! Love her tutu and bow!! So fun she is clapping all the time, and doing it in her sleep, hilarious. O has started to "talk" himself to sleep and it's pretty funny to hear too! Gotta love these fun babes! XO

  2. She is so cute! I can't believe our babies are getting this old! Mac will be 8 months in a week and it blows my mind! He's crawling and pulling up on everything and out of control! We can't baby proof the house fast enough!

  3. Awww she is so darn cute! I can't believe she's 8 months either?! Time is flying!!
