Tuesday, June 25, 2013

13 Months!

Stell Bell I was hoping when you turned one time would magically start to slow down but It's only going by faster! I can't even say you just turned one anymore you are already a week over 13 mon... that is just crazy! You my lady are the cutest, sweetest thing, with the funniest lil personality and you so much freakin fun!!! You always have a huge smile plastered on you face and we just can't get enough of it:)  People weren't telling lies when they say each month will be your new favorite age and it's so true! So with that being said this is my new Favorite age!!! 

  • Dancing even if there is no music you dance to the beat of your own drum and your new signature move is your head bang, It's hilarious 
  • Your doggy Chloe, poor sister has taken a beating, you've been obsessed with her lately and won't leave her alone, you also love to feed her anything and her favorite place is right under your highchair 
  • Playing in your water table, you love to splash and you've been trying to climb in and your getting very close, we will be in trouble then!
  • Kids, you freak out with excitement whenever you see them you will laugh, squeal, wave, clap and point at them till they give you attention
  • Being outside-  you get so excited the second I head towards the door and you NEVER want to come inside 
  • Going for walks 
  • Playing at the park you love the big girl swing but your not to sure about the slides yet
  • Pointing out birdies 
  • Opening any cupboard or drawer you can get open and then pulling everything out 
  • Swimming you are a lil fish, you love to sit in your raft you lay back, cross your feet and relax like its your job...it's the cutest, I'm sure you are thinking this is the life;)
  •  Throwing a ball, rolling a ball, bouncing a ball, any kind of ball you love them 
  • Running behind your walker, that walking behind stuff is for babies (although you are not walking by yourself yet)
  • Giving your baby dolls kisses and hugs 
  • Ridding your Choo choo train around the house or pushing it
  • Taking your radio flyer trike for a ride 
  • Eating Drawing with chalk
  • Looking at pictures of yourself or mommy and daddy, it's so cute you get the biggest smile on your face and you have to touch the picture 
  • Having play dates, you love your lil friends 
Brady taking you for a ride, you thought this was the coolest thing you've ever done
We've finally had nice enough weather to use the pool and you beat we've used it everyday since

Eating~  You drink whole milk in the morning and before bed, your tummy has had no problems switching thankfully! The rest of the day it's water in a sippy cup with a splash of juice. You're starting to be picky again you don't like meat anymore, but you will eat any kind of fruit! You love all berries but especially blueberries! Some of your other favorites are black cherries, bananas, grapes, pears, avocado, peas, cheese, string cheese, cottage cheese, mac & cheese, OK anything that has cheese on it, waffles, eggs, oatmeal, raviolis, and you still go crazy for the chicken veggie and stars meal but you now spit the chunks of chicken out! For snacks you like baby goldfish, white cheddar bunnies, teddy grahams, graham crackers, cheerios, and booty popcorn! You love drinking out of a straw and sharing my shakes or smoothies! 
Sharing my shake

Sleep~ We are down to just one good 2hr sometime 3hr nap a day and thank the lord I can finally say you are napping in your crib...it just clicked one day that hey I'm super tired instead of freaking out I can lay my head down and take a nap!!! That a girl:)
You are still a great sleeper at night down around 7:30 up around 7, but with all the fresh air and hard playing you've been sleeping till 8 some days even 9 the day after your swimming lessons
Swinging with daddy at the park

Watertable fun
Driveway Fun
Swinging in your pjs it was early that morning and
still chilly out, promise I don't take you to the park every time in your pjs
(aren't they cute pjs though?? I'm a sucker for anything with Flamingos:)

Same morning playing in your water table at Gg's
Play date with your bf  Mr. Gavin and you just started swim lessons together:) 
Fun Facts~
  • Your Favorite toy right now is a ball you will roll and chase it forever, or any of your toys you can walk behind and push
  • You have 4 teeth the front top and bottom,  a new bottom one just broke through 
  • If we ask you where your nose is you won't point to it ,you will sniff it! Not sure where it came from, but it's pretty funny 

    Best $2.99 purchase ever... You Love this thing
Pushing your shopping cart, you definitely are a pro from watching mommy with all the shopping we do!
  • You had your first swimming lesson
  • Tried whole milk
  • Had your first popsicle 
  • Took your first few steps (I have yet to see it, but daddy and nana have)

You always go straight to the flowers  and Gg has taught you to be gentle with them..
you no longer pick them just touch and smell 

Stelly you have made us the luckiest parents in the world! You are such a happy, fun loving baby and we love watching you do and learn new things everyday. Each day brings more fun and we are enjoying every minute of it! We love you so much sweetie pie and can't wait to see what fun things you do next.

Love You Always And Forever,
Mommy & Daddy


  1. Gosh, she has gotten so big! And adorable as always :) I just love her expressions in the car pictures!

  2. She is so cute! Isn't this just the best age ever? Mac's now 13 months too and so much fun. He's into everything and trying to talk, but it all comes out as jibber jabber. It's adorable. Where is the pause button?!
