Sunday, June 30, 2013

Wedding Time & Birthday fun!

This past weekend we celebrated one of my very best friends wedding and we had so much FUN! IT was a such a beautiful day and Britt made the most Gorgeous bride...Jeff is one lucky man!  It was also Bry's Golden Birthday on Saturday so we celebrated the weekend before! We went out to eat just the two of us at Fogo de Chao, it was a place he's always wanted to try so he was a happy man:)

Once again I forgot my nice camera and hardly took any pictures, but I'm just going to photo bomb all the festivities because I have pics from the shower, bach party and wedding!
Oh and don't mind all the blurriness, my phone took a dive in the pool last week! Thank goodness it still works...well kind of!
Wedding shower back in April

Bachelorette Party, we started out boating all day, we parked at Big island and did a lil boat hopping, then off to the hotel for panty party and pre gaming before heading downtown! We drank to much, laughed a lot, danced liked crazy and had so much FUN:)  I definitely paid for it the next day
At the Rehearsal

Rehearsal dinner, drinking britt & jeff's signature good!

Getting ready for the big day

The beautiful bride

With my mama

 My Cousin on the left ( her wedding is in oct) and my sister on the right

LoVe my Hubby

Estella's godfather ryan and his girlfriend Jamie

One of the last songs of the night, love my girl!

Golden Birthday Time
Out to dinner at Fogo

Bry's Favorite Cake, yellow box cake with chocolate frosting...what a tough request right;)

Daddy's Girl

Also Don't forget to switch over to bloglovin<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

1 comment:

  1. Love those bridesmaid dresses!! Looks like a great wedding!

    Also, I just realized your "Bump" counter is still at the bottom of the page. Apparently you're 99 weeks pregnant! :) What a big baby that must be!
