Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day & Happy Birthday to Me!

Wishing A Very Happy Fathers Day to the Greatest Hubby and Daddy Around:)  You have been the best daddy a girl could ask for... Estella loves you so very very much!!!!

These two make my heart so happy...Love them:) 

Also a very Happy Fathers Day to two very important, loving, caring Dads... We love you Two!
My daddy
Bry's dad

Hope every one has a wonderful Father's Day, we are off to celebrate with Brunch and grilling out later tonight! 
Oh and Happy Birthday to me! Bry got me these pretty lil flowers, and I'll be relaxing in a pedicure chair after brunch...Yay!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to YOU!! Hope you had a great day! Those flowers are gorgeous!
