Wednesday, August 21, 2013

15 months old!

My sweet, spunky, sassy Stelly you are now 15 months old, how the heck did this happen??? I feel like I've seen such a big change in you this month and maybe that's because you are WALKING!!!! You seem like such a big girl now, it still surprises me every time I turn around and see you toddling towards me and can I just say it's the cutest Frankenstein walk ever:) This month you've also started to have a mind of your own, you do not like when we tell you no. A mini freak out and cry usually happens after! You've also started pinching to get my attention then point to what you want, I really wish you would start using words because it doesn't feel very good!

Estella you sure know how to keep us on our toes, but we love it:)  Life just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter all because of you!!!!
We don't sit still ever:) 

Weight/Height~ We will find out Monday


  • Trying to put your shoes or clothes on, you like to put them on us too especially hats
  • combing your hair or ours 
  • Playing outside
  • Playing in/with water
  • Going for walks 
  • Taking all your books off the shelf, it keeps you busy for awhile because you like to sit on the floor and page through them all
  • Climbing on your anywhere chair and peeking out the front window 
  • Running behind your walker, you still do it even now that you can walk on your own. You run so fast your feet hardly touch the ground. It's hilarious and you will go around the house all day long
  • Your baby dolls, you love to put them in the stroller and push them around 
  • Throwing things, this includes toys, food, clothes or anything you can get you lil hands on 
  • Pointing, you've taken this to in all new high and point at absolutely everything 
  • Music, you are still a mover and a shaker and love to dance like crazy  
  • Riding your trike

Eating~ Breakfast usually consists of a banana and blueberries, with oatmeal, eggs, waffles, pancakes or muffin. Lunch & dinner time is another fruit/veggie, cheese, turkey dog, mac and cheese, raviolis..pasta is a definite favorite you will gobble any kind right up! Snack time you love cheddar bunnies, graham crackers, raisins, apple sauce, veggie straws, a cut up apple or cucumber
Falling asleep at dinner is what happens with no nap 
Sleeping~ You go to bed around 7 or 8 and wake up between 7 & 8. Nap time is usually around 12:30 and you sleep 1 1/2 to 2 hours

Clothing~ 12-18 mon or 18mon! Your feet have definitely grown this month your Toms used to be huge and now they fit perfect. You got sized for your first pair of stride rites, they had us buy a 5 1/2 wide! They're still a little big, but they said we should never go more then 3 months before buying your next pair.

Fun Facts~  

  • You started really (and by "really" I mean more then a few steps) walking by yourself on 8-3-13 we were with family so that made it extra fun
  • You like to copy us when we say Shhhhh, you put your lil finger up to your lips and repeat it
  • You have six teeth but your front four is what you can see the most and today I just felt a 7th and it's a molar...say what I didn't think a 15 mon old got molars! That would explain way you've been so clingy and whiny this past week! Poor thing, that can not feel good!! 
  • You finished you first session of swim lessons and you did great all 8 weeks. 
  • You still aren't saying hardly anything but it's crazy how much you understand and I'm always amazed when I say something I don't think you know but then you go and do it
  • This isn't so fun but you try to unlock the gate on the deck and you can open Gg's house door...Yikes!!!
Swimming with daddy 

Estella you seem to amaze us each and every day! Your our world baby cakes and we wouldn't have it any other way!!! We love you so so very much!

Love Always & Forever,
Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

  1. This is such a wonderful age! She sounds so much like Mac, it's scary! He also loves to comb his hair, take all the books off the shelf, climb on everything, throw everything and dance like a maniac! We have that same trike too, but Mac refuses to get in it. He likes to push it, but will not sit in it for anything.
