Monday, September 2, 2013

Mommy & Me!

I Love that these ladies Emily and Leah are doing Mommy & Me Mondays again, It's always a fun link up to join and It really helps remind me to take more pictures of me and my lil lady together... who doesn't love a picture with their mini me:) 
My Everyday Love

With the major heat wave we've been having the last few weeks we've spent a ton of time at the beach, splash pad and pool anything to keep us cool and still be outside!

Cooling of at the splash pad
Boat ride at a friends cabin


  1. So stinkin cute!!!! Thanks for linking up, girl!!

  2. She's adorable! It is so fun taking them to the splash pad this summer huh? My little guy was only 7 months old this time last year, so this is really our first summer getting to do the fun stuff together!

  3. So cute! Love the photos! That second one is adorable!

  4. These are too cute, you guys are adorable!
