Wednesday, July 31, 2013

14 Months Old!

My lil lady you are 14 months old now!!! I can't believe another month has passed on by,  but it sure was a great one!!! We've been super busy so far this summer, but you don't seem to mind one like to go go go! You are so easy going and love to be around people, you make it very easy for us to bring you anywhere and we never leave a place without someone telling us what a fun, happy go lucky baby you are:)

You have turned into quite the lil fish, you are loving swim lesson and we've spent countless days in Gg's and grandpa's pool. We've been to lots of baby showers, birthday parties, had lots of play dates, you had your second sleep over without dad and I, we celebrated your second 4th of July, went to a cabin and stayed the night, you had your first boat ride, you met your new baby cousin Gabriel, and wore your first pair of piggies:)

Perfect back float


  • Being OUTSIDE
  • Swimming
  • Swinging
  • Splashing water
  • Going for walks
  • Play dates, you love hanging with other kiddies
  • Playing in the water table
  • Touching/smelling the flowers on the deck
  • Dancing or clapping to music
  • Climbing up in your anywhere chair and looking out the front window
  • Playing/poking/climbing/pulling/feeding your fur sister Chloe
  • Pushing your baby dolls in a stroller
  • Giving big open mouth kisses:) 

Eating~ Still 1-2 bottles a day, but They will be gone at the end of this month...hopefully! You've turned into a very picky eater but I can always count on you to eat all your  fruit and cheese! Other things you like are eggs, turkey dogs, baby cucumbers, Mac and cheese and any kind of pasta! Your favorite snacks are baby goldfish, cheddar bunnies, booty popcorn, veggie straws, berry kix, cheerios and graham crackers! Your starting to want to eat with a fork but haven't completely mastered it yet and you love to throw all your food on the ground... this makes Meal time not so fun!

Sleeping~ You now take one nap a day anywhere from 1 1/2- 3 hrs sometimes you will take a cat nap in your car seat too, night still 7-8pm to 7-7:30am

Sizes~ Clothes mostly 12-18mon, shoes still a 3 and we have so many cute ones for fall that I hope your feet start growing so you can wear them (they are all 4s.) diapers size 4

Fun Facts~ You are so close to walking you can take 2-3 steps but your so speedy at crawling you would rather get there faster (Your poor knees are always so red)!  Whenever you eat something you really like you always go num num num with a huge smile. You have your 6 teeth, 4 big ones you can totally see and 2 that are still growing

Firsts~ You wore your first piggies, you had your first stay over night at a cabin, first boat ride and First time going to the family fun fest in town

Bffs...  just keeping an eye out for the neighborhood;)

Babycakes you are so dang fun, you keep daddy and I laughing all the time and I know it's only going to continue as your crazy, spunky, funny, sassy lil BIG Personality grows:)  We love you to the moon and back!!!!

Love Always And Forever
Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

  1. She sounds so much like Mac right now! I love that she's such a water baby! Swim lessons are definitely a great idea!
