Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Trip for Two!

Last weekend Bry and I had our first trip away from our Stell Bell and man was it hard to leave her but we still had such an amazing trip! Bry had surprised me back in July on our 5th anniversary with a trip to Napa and Sonoma in September. With Bry being in the wine business it was definitely a trip of a life time. It was so sweet he had everything planned to a tee and made me feel so incredibly special! We left early Friday morning and came home Monday night it was the the perfect time to be away, we still got to do plenty and I didn't have to leave baby girl for too long!

Friday~ We arrived in San Francisco rented our car and were headed to Sonoma for our first tour and tasting at Coppola. This is a beautiful winery and everything you would expect form a movie director. Movie props everywhere, restaurant on site and a pool to spend the day at. We had dinner there also. That night we stayed at the Geyserville Inn. This was my favorite place we stayed, It was a cute little Inn totally fitting for the area but the rooms were super nice and they had a restaurant next store with awesome breakfast.

Perfect way to start the trip, free upgrade from a corrolla to a camaro
Tasting Grapes, one of my many favorite parts of the trip
 Love getting to taste many different grapes 
Coppala Winery 
Geyserville Inn
Saturday~ We started the day off right with a great breakfast before our drive to napa which was one gorgeous winery after another. We had three tastings this day. First was MUMM Napa sparkling wine. We had a tour and tried lots of yummy bubbly. I may have been buzz by 11am that day;) Next tour and tasting was at Stag Leap's Wine Cellars. They had super cool barrel caves and here we got to actually see the grapes being harvested...they have a crazy machine that you put the grapes through after they've been picked and it pulls every grape off w/o smashing them and only the stem is left. It was pretty cool to watch. And last stop for the day was Beringer. This by far was my favorite part of the whole trip. We started with a tour and tasting (lots of cool history) and ended the night with a private dinner in one of the Beringer Brothers houses.  Bry's supplier had set up a dinner for us but we had no idea it was going to be like this. The winery had shut down for the night and we were the only ones there with a chef and waiter just for us. The doors were wide open leading out to the yard with lights and lanterns strung it was so magical and one of the best meals I have ever had:)

Sunday~ Our first tasting of the day was at Silver Oak. They have a stunning tasting room and their wine is AMAZING, might have been my favorite we tried. Our last tour and tasting was at Stags' Leap Winery, I have to say this was the most gorgeous property of all! The tour was one of my favorite parts, we walk the property it was huge with all kinds of fruit trees and gardens, there is so much history, lots of good stories and apparently it's haunted! This is where we happened to stay the last night in one of the guest cottages. Cutest lil cottage but to say I was freaked out was an understatement!!! I did not sleep at all that night, I was to afraid to open my eyes. We were literally the only people left on this huge haunted property, they left the opener to the gate and said see ya in the morning. It was pitch dark, dead silent and oh so creepy. It wasn't for us but chalked up to an experience. We had met a couple on the trip that stayed there a few nights before us and loved it.
Silver Oak Winery 

Stegs' Leap Winery 

This flower apparently only blooms every 100 years thats 
pure craziness so I HAD to take a picture of it 

Our haunted cottage for the night @ Stegs' Leap
Monday~ Woke up early and got the hell out of our cottage haha! We went to the little town of Yountville for breakfast and a walk. That was about all we did that day besides the drive back to San Fran and our flight home. My mom surprised us and brought Stella to the air port, BEST thing ever to have her waiting for us:) I couldn't wait to give her the biggest hug and kiss, We missed her so much!  I definitely teared up a few times while we were gone, but I did way better then I thought I would! We got lots of updates and pictures. She did great, and I know it was way harder on me then her;)

Thanks again Babe, it was so fun to do a trip with just the two of us! It definitely was a trip for the Books:) Love you so Much!!!


  1. What an amazing trip! Love the photos. I've never been to wine country, but am dying to go. Love this!

  2. What a fun trip!! This makes me want to go to wine country :) Glad you guys were able to get away for some quality time together.
