Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall Fun and Mommy & Me Monday!

After a fun filled week and just in time for Mommy & Me Monday I finally have some pictures with my lil lady!
Linking up with Leah and Emily, Thanks again girls this link-up really helps remind me to take more pictures with Estella then always being behind the camera:) 
This has to be one of my all time favorite pictures with Stelly...Love her big smile:) 

Our weekend and part of last week was filled with lots of Festive Fall Fun:) We kicked off the fun by going to the apple orchard with Gg, auntie Ash and Max. The cold weather couldn't stop us form having a good time, Estella loved it! She ran around like a wild women, went on her first hayride, tried her first sip of cider and had her first bite of apple donut!

Friday we started the Halloween Festivities with the pre-school costume contest we decided to do it last minute but so glad we went because lil miss took 2nd place:) She won her first plaque There was 35 girls and 30 boys and they did a top 3 for both! I was pretty proud of Stella she totally hammed it up for the judges, and look absolutely adorable doing so! This year wasn't even anything creative just a really cute home made witches costume, so next year we will be thinking of something very creative to take home the big prize;) Of course I couldn't get a single good picture here because girlfriend wasn't going to sit till for one minute but hopefully on Halloween I will get some better pics of her costume!  That night we headed to the pumpkin patch, again you ran like crazy, you loved exploring the patch,  looking at the animals, trying to pick up the pumpkins and pulling the wagon. It was a perfect day:)



The Saturday before Halloween is always our favorite day of the year... the big Halloween parade in the Halloween capital of the world!!!  Pretty much every year since I was born we have made the parade, and have sat in the same spot and before and after we have good food and drinks at my aunt and uncles. This year was by far my favorite because Estella loved every single second of it!!! We watched daddy, and friends run the 5k that kicks off the parade. She pointed, & waved to all the floats. Danced to all the bands and smiled at every kid that went by. It was so much fun to see her having a ball, and she did awesome even without a nap! 

 Looking forward to the rest of the Halloween Fun this week, I definitely can not wait to see Stella go  trick or treating:)

1 comment:

  1. Found you on the link up! Love the pumpkin patch photos! Looks like a lot of fun! Have a great week!
