Friday, November 1, 2013

16 & 17 months old!!!

Stell Bell, Time just seems to be getting away from me.  I totally missed 16 months so we are combining it with 17 months and I'm still late at getting it posted...I know no mommy of the year award going on over here! Well to no surprise, I'm just loving this age!!! You my friend are so much fun, your lil personality is growing bigger by the day, you're oh so funny, but also getting a whole lot sassier and you have many facial expression to go with that personality of yours (my favorite is when you purse your lips together and look at us out of the corner of your eye its the cutest:) Hitting the 16 mon marker was the kick off to your busyness! It has taken on a whole new level and you are into EVERYTHING and your so dang quick now we can hardly keep up....your daddy and I are definitely pooped by your bed time! We've been keeping busy with many play dates, you went to the library for your first tot time and loved it, and we've been spending lots of time outside playing and going for walks trying to soak up every last minute of nice weather!

  • Reading, your #1 favorite book is Brown Bear Brown and I'm not kidding when I say we read this at least 25 times a day, a close second favorite is Time For bed, we read it every night before bed and you can hardly wait till the last page because there is a little girl and you always give her a kiss goodnight other favorites are The Going To Bed Book, 10 little lady bugs, Happy Sparkling Halloween, princess baby, Biscuit visits the pumpkin patch and My pretty pink alphabet purse 
  • Baby dolls, you are such a lil love pushing them in a stroller, rocking them and giving hugs & kisses 
  • Being outside, you would live out there if we let you
  • Walks, you love to be pushed in your trike and wave as the cars go by
  • Dancing, I've never seen a child that loves to dance so much you start moving your body the second you hear music   
  • Putting caps back on things like your apple sauce pouches and water bottles 
  • Shoes, you are obsessed!!! You oooo and awe at everyones shoes, you also love trying to put them on and helping us put ours on 
  • Drinking out of a water bottle you think you are so cool when you do this and we have to do it over and over again
Dislikes~ Getting your diaper changed, brushing your teeth you have to do it by yourself, car rides longer then 15min, and being told no

Favorite Toys~  Your tea party set, so cute you pour me my tea and when I say cheers we hit cups, little people anything, you love the house and school bus best. Books and dollies is what you play with most often through out the day, which I love because dolls were my favorite toy when I was little and I never get sick of reading to you.  You come running with the book you want, with the biggest smile on your face and snuggle right in my lap to listen and turn the pages for me!

Favorite Foods~ Any fruit but honey crisp apples are your fav, oatmeal, waffles, eggs, chicken nuggets, String cheese, turkey dogs, macaroni, tator tot hot dish, raviolis, pizza, turkey and ham

 Favorite snacks~ Pretzels, cheddar bunnies, gold fish, Chex cereal, cheerios, graham crackers, veggie straws, Apple sauce pouch, vanilla wafers, raisins

Clothing~ Mostly 12-18 mon, shoes size 5 and diaper 4...Once again Gg and I went crazy and stocked up on festive Halloween outfits when they went on sale last year! I could hardly wait for Oct.1st so you could start wearing them

Fun Facts~ You were in your first wedding, and did awesome you made it all the way down the aisle and you didn't just walk down it, you put on a show and danced down it:) You have 11 teeth, and cutting more as we speak, your hair is getting crazy long and it's always out of control, your getting good at using a fork and spoon, and you like to have at least two blankies when it's nap time or bed time

Girlfriend life is so much stinkin fun with you, there is never a dull moment and even on the tough days I thank my lucky stars that I get to be your mommy! I love every minute and feel so incredibly blessed to have you as my baby girl!  Your the cutest, most fun, silliest, smiliest, happiest baby girl around and we love so very very much! 
Love Always & Forever,
Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

  1. She's an absolute doll! Mac's obsessed with lids and caps too. I love that she loves baby dolls. So sweet.
