Monday, November 25, 2013

18 Months!


How is it possible a whole year and a half has already gone by, you are 18 months and I just can't believe it. You have grown up so much and are turning into a little girl right before my eyes! You love all things girly, you're obsessed with shoes, anything sparkly, wearing necklaces, using mommy's chap stick, carrying around purses and you're are the perfect mama in LOVE your baby dolls:) You are full of sweetness and sass...more sweetness thankfully;)! Your opinion on everything is growing by the day, you want what you want when you want it ha...doesn't everyone!?! You totally understand everything we tell, you bring us what we ask you to get or show us what we are asking about but your words are not there yet. You point at everything and say Awe, you have a few words you use but your vocabulary isn't expanding like the Doctor thinks it should. They say it's probably because you don't go to day care and you're around adults more then kids so every time you point at something we just get it for you. They said not to worry, it would be more of a concern if you were 2 but as a precaution someone is coming out to observe you to see if you need speech therapy. We would rather find out now then later and we have no doubt you will catch up in no time!

Weight & Height~ You are still pretty tiny you're 22lbs 8oz 48%, 30.5in 13%, and head 17.5in12%

  • Reading is your favorite thing of all we read at least 20 books a day, your still loving brown bear but you have now decided baby bear is OK too. You will growl like a bear and flip to the skunk just to waive your hand in front of your face when we say pew-yew  
  • Dancing 
  • Music
  • Being outside  
  • Riding your "bike" around the block 
  • Playing in your tent
  • Dollies
  • Minnie Mouse 
  • Tea party set 
  • Balloons 
  • Shooting hoops...daddy loves this
  • Your cousin get so excited even if you just see a picture of him 
  • Blankies we must have a few in your crib at all times 
  • Spinning you will spin in circles till you get dizzy and fall down 
  • Sitting in your "own" chair
  • Helping with laundry 
  • Running around the house pushing the walker 


Best cheap toy purchase ever!!! She still loves  to run around with this dang thing even though she's been walking for months on her own, silly girl!!!
Playing peek a boo in the bath

Fun times~ We tried out tot time at our local YMCA and it was a hit! You ran your heart out, played with your friends Savannah and Max, and Shared stole toys from other kids! You were in your first costume contest and won 2nd place, went to your second Halloween parade and loved every second of it, went trick or treating this consisted of riding in a wagon waving at everyone and going up to two doors! Went to Mall of America and rode the carousal, you liked it before it started moving then not so much!

Facts~ You still have the white blonde hair but I can tell it's starting to darken a bit and your eyes are a very deep blue ( I get ask all the time if they are brown...there is no way this could be possible ha)! Your wearing size 18 mon or18-24 clothes, size 5 1/2 wide shoes and size 4 diaper! You're still cutting teeth by the day... I think you have 12 but you won't let me get a good look. Once again Gg and I went totally crazy buying festive holiday clothes and I can not wait to have you start wearing them the day after thanksgiving

We love you so much Stell bell and can not wait for all the holiday festivities to start! You are going to love everything and probably get into everything too... but that's the fun in it right!? You have truly blessed our lives and we are so so THANKFUL for that:)

Love Always And Forever,
Mommy & Daddy

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