Friday, December 6, 2013

Santa's Coming to town!

This year we decided to try out the Santa Experience at MOA! It was nothing short of a huge fail but hey it made for a great picture:) We still have a few more things this year that she will see Santa at so I hope I haven't scarred her for life by making her sit on his lap!
Just a few pictures I took with my camera.....

 Don't think it helped that they have Santa sneak up on them! They try to have them get comfortable by reading a book but then bam Santa's appears... not a great idea if you ask me

I thought the chair they had her in was ugly so I asked if she could sit on his lap, they were less then thrilled and said because she was crying they didn't want to scare all the other kids. Sorry! I at least wanted a picture where she was looking even if she was screaming her head off:) Pretty sure they thought I was a horrible mommy... guess I know what I'll be getting in my stocking this year;)

Better Luck next time! 
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and it's warmer then ours! We are in the negatives people!!! My goal for the weekend is to stay warm!!!


  1. Precious thing!!! That is kind of funny they sneak up in them.. I love the one where she's sitting on his lap, even if she's not loving! Happy Weekend!! Stay warm!!

  2. Adorable!! I love her outfit! Yeah, I've never seen that where they have the chair in front of Santa! What's the fun in that?! Everyone loves a good Santa/screaming kid pic ;)
