Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Look Who's 3 Months old...one week late oops!!!

Lil Miss Stelly you are another month older and time has not slowen down my friend! I still can't believe I had you 3 whole months ago....so CRAZY!!! Every month just keeps getting more and more fun! You are one busy bee. Always moving and a shakin, you do not like to sit still, I can only imagine what you will be like once you start crawling...I'm thinking we could be in trouble ;) You smile all the time, have lil coos and laughing sounds but not an all out belly laugh yet! You have lots of rolls and everyone comments on your chubby cheeks (mommy can't get enough of these) and how light your hair has turned. It's still darker in the back where your baby mullet is and the very tips on top! You are one growing girl!!!

                                                  Look how big you've gotten!!!

Weight & Length: Not sure but 2 weeks ago you were 12 lbs 5oz with clothes on

Loves:  You still love being held most ALL of the time, you still love your baths! I swear you know when it's 8:00 and you haven't had your bath yet, you get fussy till I take you in the bathroom and turn on the water then your all smiles knowing your bath is coming, you are definitely a girl of routine! You love being out side, getting fresh air and going for long walks... you almost always fall asleep at the very end! Chewing on your hands is one of your new favorite things or trying to eat your bib or blanket! You love the sound of your fan, we always have it running in your room. Looking at yourself in mirror never seems to get old, you always get a kick out of yourself and who would blame you since your so adorable! You also have two new favorite toys. One is your Oball it has holes in it so easy for you to pick up and bring to your mouth and the other is your pink elephant daddy named elli 

 Eating: Still soy formula mostly 3-4oz about every 3 hours during the day. At night you go 6-7 before getting up to eat. Even with your meds you spit up after every meal, so you are still living in a bib. Poor girl, I don't see this changing anytime soon 

Sleeping:  Yay Stelly, you've been sleeping through the night! You go  6-7 hours get up to eat then go back to bed for another 2-3 hours and you have been doing this for the past 4 weeks!  You have now been in your big girl bed for over a week and you are doing so good, we are so proud of you

Fun Facts: Your so strong. You always want to stand up and all we have to do is hold you hands and you go from a sitting position to standing! You have found you thumb and usually only suck it when your tired and trying to fall asleep. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen, but I still wish you would take a paci! That is one thing you really don't like. Sometimes you will leave it in for a minute or so but most of the time you act like its gaging you and you spit it out right away. We have tried every brand out there but I guess it's not your thing 
 Clothes:  You can still fit into some of the 0-3 months but not very many you are mostly wearing 3 month and some 3-6! Size one diapers are getting pretty snug so we just finished your last pack and have moved to size 1-2 either pampers or the Costco Kirkland brand kinda nice to have a in between size. I'm looking forward to a change of season because that means change of wardrobe . I have found some pretty cute things for fall and I can't wait to put you in your grey suede boots gg got you for Christmas last year

Firsts: You had your first boo boo. So sad gg tried to cut you thumb nail and got the skin it wouldn't stop bleeding, so off you went to urgent care. They put some black stuff on to stop the bleeding and then you had to wear a band aid and couldn't get it wet for a few days. You took you first dip in grandpa and gg's pool and loved it...I think we have the next Missy Franklin on our hands;) Some other firsts were trying out your bumbo, sleeping in your crib, holding your toys by yourself and bringing them to your mouth to suck on 

On the right you can see your lil thumb in a band aid

 Daddy and I couldn't be happier, everyday brings something new with you and It's so fun to watch you grow and change in so many ways. We look forward to all the firsts to come and watching you grow into your lil personality you already have! You are one special lil girl that stole our hearts the day you were born and we love you more then you could ever know!!! 
Love Always & forever, mommy & daddy 

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