Wednesday, August 1, 2012

11 weeks

Baby girl you are getting so big, I feel like every morning I wake up and there is something about you that has changed! You have been sleeping 6-7 hours a night now for the past week 1/2, way to go stell! I think this weekend we will try you in your crib, I'm afraid of going backwards on sleep but we have to do it sometime...right:(? You are so much fun, your full of big smiles and little giggles here and there that are the cutest sound I've ever herd! You are loving your hands right now they always are moving or in your mouth and you like to hold your bottle when we feed you! I think you feel like a new lil lady with your Medicine for acid reflex, this makes us so happy it was so hard to see you in pain and not know what to do! Once again this week we've been busy shopping, so many great deals right now. We got you some cute rompers and dresses for $3-7 from Macy's for next year. I can't pass up a good deal for my stylin stelly;) We had lots of play dates and you met a few new friends of ours again this past weekend! Yesterday you had your first trip to the farmers market, it was a pretty quick one because it was so hot out but we will go again soon. We are looking forward to a fun filled weekend. We have a  wedding, engagement party and a second birthday party! Yay... lots of fun and lots of new friends for you see, we can't wait!!!
happy stelly
Chloe wanted to join the fun, our  girls love bath time
The main reason I love the farmers market beautiful $5 flowers 

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