Thursday, August 30, 2012

MN State Fair!

As summer comes to an end it always means State Fair time! "The Great Minnesota Get-Together." This is something we go to every year with Bryan's family. We look forward to eating all the fried food and food on stick, it's nothing healthy but oh so tasty:) My favorite thing I tried this year was deep fried apple pie with cinnamon ice cream. It was SO GOOD and worth every calorie;) Stelly did awesome she slept for the first part and enjoyed the rest of the night in the baby bjorn just kicking and smiling away. What a lil trooper we've got! We had a great time, even with me being a germ freak!  I get nervous with lots of crowds and dirty sweaty people...lets just say everyone in my household had to shower/bath before bed, even though we got home late and I spent a lot of time washing and sanitizing every lil thing (carseat, stroller, diaper bag, anything in the bag, ect). everyone likes to give me crap but whatever makes me feel better;)

First time to the fair as a family of 3,
We remember saying hopefully next year we will have a baby with us and
 it was the very next day that I found out I was pregnant with Estella:) 
Our nieces Maddie & Elyse they can't get enough of Stelly

Bry always has to play stand up the bottle at the midway and you win a GIANT ass stuffed animal. No joke the thing is huge and I hate bringing them home, thank goodness our nieces think it's the coolest thing. They picked out a huge pink snake/dragon thing so gross, but whatever makes them happy right?
I'm looking forward to a relaxing Holiday weekend spending time with family and friends! 
Happy Labor Day Everyone!!!

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