Monday, July 8, 2013

Red, white & blue!

Good food, cold drinks, fireworks, sparklers, beautiful weather, boat rides, and bonfires pretty much sums up our way of celebrating the the 4th:) We started out the celebration on the 3rd going to BBQ with may parents friends and all the grand kids. It's always a good time, Stella loves to watch all the older kids run around like crazy!

To get ready for the party Stella went all out and wore piggies for the first time...they were so freaking adorable!!!

 Piggies are just the cutest thing EVER!!!

Fourth of July morning at 4:00 am we got an exciting phone call that our first nephew was born, what a cool birthday to have! Before heading up north we made our way to the hospital to meet Gabriel John. He is just the sweetest, most handsome lil guy:)

Brother's with their babies:)

Afterwards we headed up north to our friends cabin! We had so much fun, it was so nice to get away for two days! There was even a friend for Stella, Kinsley is 6 mon to the day older then stell. It was so fun to watch them steal, I mean play w/ each others toys;)  We took lots of boat rides, floated in the lake, played yard games, had a bonfire, and watched fireworks! It was the prefect way to spend the 4th:) 
Estella's 1st boat ride, this picture doesn't show it but girlfriend loved it!!!
Cuddle time, someone got super relaxed on the boat, even took a nap on one of the many rides 
 Have to have everything be festive for the day right..even sippy cups! Gg got one for stella in her 4th "goody" bag so we had to get a matching one for Kins:)
Only thing Stell didn't care for was the life jacket and who would blame her! Poor thing was way to small for it! 
Captain Stelly w/ her godfather Ry, us two loving the boat, more water table fun and cruising in the jeep:) 
Just hanging with the boys

Sparkler action! I'm totally making a weird face but the sparks kept flying at my face 
Horrible pic of the both of us but I had to show my husband wearing his zubaz! They only come out on special occasions  ( Like the last time they made an appearance was a white trash themed party two years ago ha!)

The rest of the weekend was low key. Poor Bry had a tasting so he had to work Saturday but other then that we just relaxed and rented a movie called side effect. It had awesome reviews and a good cast, but it was super weird and I'm not sure I liked it! Anyone else seen it? We need some suggestions for good movies to watch, nothings been good lately that we've got!

 And let's not forget what Lil Miss Stelly looked like last year on the 4th... I guess my lil firecracker's not so lil anymore!!!!!

YES, I loved this outfit that much that we brought in the bigger size:) 
Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday/Weekend too!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, those pigtails and those glasses! Kill me now. She is so stinking cute!
