Friday, December 13, 2013

It's cookie time!!!

I have the future Betty Crocker on my hands folks! We baked our first round of Christmas cookies this week and Stell Bell LOVED it! She loved it so much she had a major shit fit when we finished;) Girlfriend stirred, frosted, sprinkled, licked/tasted and ate sprinkles like it was nobody's business! She had so much fun and it was the best to watch her get so exited to do it all on her own! Plus she looked so damn cute I could hardly stand it:)

Stell's favorite part was definitely the sprinkles, she would pick them up one by one to eat! 

My mom was going to make her an apron but we found this one for $3 in the dollar section at target so we couldn't pass it up! She did have to alter it and added the cute lil snowman to jazz it up! 

We have a lot more baking to do around here so I better get my butt in gear...Happy Baking Friends:) 


  1. Love love love! I was wondering if Mac was too little to decorate cookies with me, but this makes me think he would like it (or at least like eating the icing and making a mess). :) We might have to try it this weekend.

  2. So much fun!!! It looks like she had a ball--and that apron is darling!!!!
