Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Highlights

Christmas was more fun then ever this year,  Estella had an absolute blast and was such a trooper the whole time going form place to place!!! We kicked off the Christmas celebrations starting the weekend before by watching the Holidazzle parade at my dads office.  This is the third year in a row my parents have invited their friends, friends kids and grand kids we had over 60 adults and kids. Santa made an appearance and gave all the kids treat bags and a gift each parent brought! Most of the kids cried and Stell didn't want to get near him, it was pretty funny! We ate tons of goodies and drank lots of wine. The kids ran like wild and we all watch the Holidazzle light up parade! Someone did take a group photo before everyone left and I can't wait to see it. 
Sunday we had Christmas with Bryan's dad and siblings. Christmas Eve all the girls headed to church while the boys were at work, Stella did great she loved all the music and found many people to wave at and play peek a boo with. We had Christmas that night with my moms family and it was so nice and relaxing to not have to go anywhere else! Christmas day morning I was so excited for Stella to wake up and see what surprises Santa had left her. The night before I had the best time setting everything out to make sure it looked perfect:) The look on her face was priceless when she saw her kitchen! She LOVED it... thank god because daddy worked very hard to put it all together;) We ate brunch with my family then headed to Bry's brothers house to spend time with his mom and have lunch. By three o'clock we were off again heading back to Bry's dads house for the extended family Christmas. By the time we got home around 8 there were a few people left at my parents from my dads family Christmas that we got to see! It was an exhausting day but happy we got to see everyone!!!

 Christmas Eve, can't believe hoe old our lil Stell Bell looks!

Santa came and someone was a very good girl this year!

Stella with her cousin Maddie & Elyse, W/ papa, Auntie Stacy, My mom and Max, My cousin Ashley and her family, My dad, Me and my Brother 
This picture just kills me!!! The look on my dads face is priceless...apparently someone just figured out she could stick her finger up her nose! Of course everyone laughs when she does it so now my lil lady has been doing it quite a bit, icky but also kinda funny;)

Bry with our nephew Gabe and my mother in law with 2 of her grandchildren  

Stella's favorite things during Christmas~
  • Frosty the snow man, this includes the song, book and anything snowman she saw
  • Christmas lights, every night she would get all bundled up and go up and down the street to look at all the neighborhood lights
  • Frosting cookies and sprinkles 
  • Of course eating the cookies she frosted 
  • Looking at my moms Christmas village with all the people and also her Santa collection 
  • Taking ornaments off the tree
  • Getting Christmas cards, especially ones where she recognized the people! she would carry them around the house giving them kisses...such a sweetie pie. 
Once again Christmas came and went so fast. I can't believe it's almost the New Year,  I'm really looking forward to what 2014 has in store for us!!!


  1. Love this post. Love your polka dots! Great photos. Mac has that kitchen and it's a big hit at our house. Happy new year!

  2. What a wonderful Christmas!! I feel like I keep saying this, but I LOVE Stella's hair--I can't even believe how long it is! And I'm glad she loved her kitchen--and that you didn't have to lug it home like we did ;) Thank goodness we have a big truck!

    Happy New Year to your sweet family!!
