Thursday, March 22, 2012

32 Weeks!

How Far along? 32 weeks 

 Maternity clothes? Yep, still a little of both! 

Stretch marks? None that I know of...I'm going to keep my fingers crossed

Sleep? Pretty good just getting up 2-3 times a night to use the bathroom

Best moment last week? Well to start off the weather was gorgeous it was awesome to go for walks every night without freezing! We also had our birthing classes which I  didn't learn a lot I didn't already know, but the tour was super helpful! It made everything seem so real, like this is really happening soon!!! I can not wait for that day, we are soooo excited to meet our lil girl! Oh and Bry got the bassinet put together :)

Movement? Yep, I thought for sure at my Dr. appointment she wouldn't be head down anymore with all her movements, but she still is! I love when she's moving like crazy

Food cravings? Frozen yogurt from Sweet Toppings so good and still chocolate donuts 

Gender? Baby girl Estella Marie

Labor signs? I think I've had a few Braxton Hicks after our walks but nothing to crazy

Belly button in/out? Still hanging in there

What I miss:  Just bending over gets tougher each week

What I am looking forward to: My first baby shower this weekend, I'm excited to see everyone! Also seeing the Hunger Games Movie :)

Milestones:Your baby's the size of a squash!

Still growing, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches.
She's getting ready for her descent -- she's likely in the head-down position now.
And she's probably feeling a even more cramped.

Bry and Chloe Putting together Estella's Bassinet!

FInished product!!

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