Wednesday, March 28, 2012

33 Weeks!

How Far along? 33 weeks 

 Maternity clothes? Yep, still a little of both! 

Stretch marks? Not yet and I sure hope it stays that way!

Sleep? Hasn't been great, but it has way more to do with my stupid allergies...I feel like I can't breath, I want to rip my eyes out and nose off they itch so bad( not fun)

Best moment last week? My first baby shower hosted by my sister and cousin! It was perfect they did such an awesome job, and I loved everything about it! It was so fun to see all my family and friends... we are so blessed to have all these special people in our lives! Stella is one lucky lil girl, she has gotten so spoiled already! I will have to post some pictures from the shower but I don't have many because I totally forgot to take any once it got started, which is so not like me! 

Movement? Yep, She sure loves loud music, she was going crazy at the Michael Jackson cirque du soleil last night...but whenever I want someone else to feel her she always stops, lil stinker already:)

Food cravings? Really hasn't been changing frozen yogurt from Sweet Toppings, fruit  and still chocolate donuts <-I wish that one would go away

Gender? GIRL, Estella Marie

Labor signs? A few Braxton hicks but nothing much thankfully

Belly button in/out? Still hanging in there

What I miss:   Just being able to bend over comfortably 

What I am looking forward to: More baby showers this weekend, I'm  excited to see everyone!!! 

Milestones:Your baby's the size of a honeydew!

She weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. And she may grow up to a full inch this week -- amazing.
She's keeping his eyes open while awake.
She's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.
Her bones are hardening.
And she going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby!

1 comment:

  1. OH you looks great! Love your top and glad to hear things are still going smoothly at 33 weeks!! :)
