Thursday, March 8, 2012

30 weeks!

How Far along? 30 weeks...Crazy

 Maternity clothes? Yep still both, It was so nice to be in Fl and wear dresses they are way more comfy and I hardly had to bring anything maternity

Stretch marks? Nope, crossing my fingers it stays that way:)

Sleep? Depends on the night but overall not horrible

Best moment last week? Lots of fun in the SUN! Last time to FL without lil Estella, we can't wait to bring her with! It was a great vacation, we got maternity picture taken, did lots of relaxing in our beach chairs, shopped, took a ton of walks on the beach and Bry got in some golfing! I even loved wearing a 2 piece, first time you don't have to think about how your stomach looks you can just let it all hang out ha! One lady on the beach totally made my day by telling me I looked beautiful:) I feel like all I hear anymore is wow your looking Big/huge or getting BIG yep I know... I also had my 30 week Dr. appointment yesterday and its always nice to hear everything is going well and to hear her lil heart beating away

Movement?  Yep a lot...I think I jinxed myself by saying nothing painful last week! She must have really grown this week because I feel like I can feel her everywhere now, but I still love it! It's such a cool feeling, I'm sure I will miss it when she's here

Food cravings? Ice cream and not just any ice cream only the best from Royal Scoop in FL!!! It's my all time favorite homemade Ice Cream, I get half mint chocolate chip and half cookies & cream! I should have never got any because now I can't get it out of my head and we won't be back till fall... bummer

Gender? Baby girl Estella Marie

Labor signs? None, thankfully

Belly button in/out? Still in, But I'm sure with the rate she's growing it probably won't be long

What I miss:  Not to much, just a few simple things like putting socks on, shaving my legs its getting tough to bend over! I never burn my feet but the first day I had random burn spots all over my feet and I'm blaming it on not being able to reach my feet as well haha!

What I am looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery and hearing all about Bry's trip. He left for Cali today for work, Lucky duck gets to travel through wine country for a few days! We hope he has an amazing time but his girls will sure miss him:)

Your baby's the size of a cucumber!

Your 15.2- to 16.7-inch, 2.5- to 3.8-pound baby continues to grow.

  • Her skin is getting smoother.
  • But her brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
  • She's now strong enough to grasp a finger!

 6 Weeks (Fl vacy in Septemeber)
30 Weeks (FL vacy in March)

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