Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Big Thanks!

I just have to take a moment to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for all there love, support, kind words, visits, cute outfits, gift cards, meals, flowers and edible arrangement! We are so lucky to have all of you in our lives! Stelly is one lucky lil lady:) I'm still working on getting her one and two week update up today, we will see if I get the time! Mamas been a lil busy lately, but loving every second;)
Had to take a picture of the edible arrangement it was so cute and so Yummy!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

LiL Miss is HERE!!!

Quick picture between contractions
 1 day shy of 40 weeks
     As I'm sure most of you have figured out since I didn't have a 40 week post that my lil miss has arrived! We are so excited to announce the arrival of our sweet baby girl Estella Marie!! She was born on her due date May 15th 2012 @ 7:14 am (I guess she wanted to be right on time:) She weighed 6lbs 12oz is 19 3/4" long, has lots of hair and is PERFECT in every way :) WE are so so in LOVE, I can not describe the feeling of having her here, it's even more amazing then you could ever imagine and our lives feel so complete!
Feeling great after the epidural 

It all started on Monday the 14th I had my 40 week Dr. appointment a day early right away in the morning. I left there feeling defeated I hadn't progressed since the last week I was still at 3cm dilated and 80% effaced so my Dr suggested to set up my induction date for the next Monday. As soon as he mentioned next Monday I started tearing up thinking I had to wait a whole week! My maternity leave starts tomorrow and I only have 8 weeks I want that whole time to be with my baby. The Dr. looked at me like I had five heads and asked if he said something that upset me??? I wanted to be like duh buddy I don't want to wait that long but I also wanted to go on my own and not have to be induced especially because I was still feeling pretty good and I did really love being pregnant. We left it for Monday and he said I'm sure you will have her before then she's in position ready to go and is very low!
  So from my appointment my mom and I ran a few errands during that I thought I was starting to have contractions but didn't know it it was from him checking me at my appointment. From there we went  back to my moms. It was a very hot day so we hung out by the pool and I wasn't feeling good and thought the contractions were getting stronger and closer together. Bry came over for dinner and by the time dinner was over around 6:30 I had a feeling tonight would be the night! We came home and from that point on they were getting very strong. We called the hospital and the Dr. said to come on in! The feeling was so crazy thinking this is it we are going to have our baby!!!!! That drive felt like the longest drive EVER I could not get comfortable in the car....we hit every red light and even got stopped because of an accident.  When I got to the hospital I was dilated to 4 1/2 -5 and my contraction were about 3 min apart they got my delivery room set up and it was go time!

 It was just a few hours after being there I was able to get my epidural and was already dilated to a 7. (I'm not sure why everyone doesn't get one, I was able to really enjoy my labor after it kicked in)  From that point on it was easy, it did slow everything down but I was ok because I was comfortable. We tried to get some rest but easier said then done I was way to excited to sleep! I stalled out at a 9 for awhile and my contractions were getting father apart so they decided to start giving me pitocin. After a few hours I was fully dilated and her position was +1 my, water still hadn't broke so they decided to break it and then just waited till I had the urge to push which was about 45 min after. I stated pushing around 6am and Estella made her grand entrance into this world at 7:14 am!
cutting the cord for the second time,
 missed it the first time everything happened so quick
Couldn't take my eyes off our beautiful baby girl :)

First family photo my eyes were a little swollen 
This was by far the BEST day ever, our lives have been forever changed and I'm so grateful for this!!! I could not have done this without the support from Bry he has been amazing through this whole pregnancy, delivery and first week of her life! Bry even put a special song on his I pod for the delivery room...Stelly and I are some lucky ladies to have him!

So so in love with my lil Stelly

Daddy's girl

Our cutie pie

Estella's Favorite spot

My mom put this on our front door and Flamingos in our flower beds :)

This whole experience has been amazing, I feel very blessed and fortunate that I had a great pregnancy, delivery and a healthy baby! I hope that everyone who wants to can experience this one day too! I can not wait to watch Estella grow into a lil lady, but not too fast (mommy already cried that you are a week old already), be with her through every milestone, and teach her about all the amazing things life has to offer! My wish for her is to be a happy, healthy, strong, confident, kind, fun, active, loving little girl!

Estella you are more perfect than we could have ever imagined. We've waited a long time to meet you and every minute was worth the wait. We are so proud to be your parents and can't wait for all the great times ahead. We love you more than you will ever know and want only what is best for you.  
  Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!!!

  Happy Mothers day to all the Mommas out there, I hope you all have an extra special day today:)  I'm still hanging in there at almost 40 weeks pregnant, I thought for sure you were going to be early, but I was wrong! I would love if you decided to make your grand entrance in to the world today I just can not wait to meet you baby girl, but I know you will come when you are ready! I can only hope I will be an amazing mom to you like gg is to me! I have never met anyone who has a more generous, creative, caring, and selfless mom like mine... she would do anything for anyone and I'm so lucky to have her as my role model! This morning we went to the TPC for brunch like we do every Mothers Day and I am kinda glad I made it since this is one of my favorite times of the year! The golf course looks beautiful and the food is to DIE for..... I defiantly got my fill!  I'm stuffed,  your daddy said maybe all this food will help push you out haha

Even though you aren't here yet I was still spoiled with Mother's Day gifts, Gg gave me a card and pedicure gift certificate and your daddy got me just what I've been asking for a lowercase e diamond pendent:) It's also my push present.  Yes I did just say push present! If you haven't got one and your a momma or momma to be you should, you deserve it! I wanted something simple and classic that I could wear forever  and it would remind me of you everyday, the lowercase is because you are lil e and I'm big E:)
Today has been a great day so far and soon we will be off to celebrate with Bry's mom and family at a BBQ! I 'm looking forward to celebrating Bry's first Fathers Day next month!!!
                                   Hopefully my next post will be announcing lil miss is here:)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

39 Weeks....We hope you come soon:)

How Far along? 39 weeks...we can wait to meet our sweet baby GIRL!!!

 Maternity clothes? Yep...I have a black maxi skirt that is not maternity that I have been wearing a lot, but pretty much all tops or else my belly's hanging out = not cute haha!!

Stretch marks? Not yet or none I can see, so my fingers are still crossed

Sleep? Same, some night better then others but overall better then I thought I would be at this point:)

Best moment last week? I scored some awesome deals at baby gap, got bry his fathers day gift that I'm super excited to give him ( I know I'm very early on this but I figured I wouldn't have the time when it came) I had two strangers tell me I looked small and couldn't believe I was due anytime... that made this momma feel great since I feel as big as a house:) Hearing lil misses heart beat and to know I progressed a little more at my last appointment! And I can not forget Bry won a big national contest at work, it was very exciting to see all his hard work pay off! Your girls are so very proud of you!!!!

Movement? Yep,  but she's definitely running out of room the movement is less often and feels completely different then kicks and punches from before

Food cravings? Frozen yogurt, and anything chocolate! 

Gender? Baby GIRL, Estella Marie!!!

Labor signs? Just waking up every night having a lot of cramping/ braxton hicks then it just goes away, she's so low I feel like she has no where to go but out ;) As of my last Dr. appointment I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced so  I wonder what I'll be tomorrow

Belly button in/out? Still in, getting pretty flat but I don't think it's going anywhere!

What I miss:  Being comfortable, and being able to get my socks and shoes on! Thanks bry for all your assistance on getting me off the couch and helping with my shoes and socks 

What I am looking forward to: Having my BABY GIRL any day!!!! We can not wait to meet you, see what you look like, see how big you are, if you have hair, hold you, kiss you, and snuggle you! We love you sooooooo much already, I can only imagine the feeling I'm going to feel for you when seeing you for the first time ( I'm tearing up just thinking about it, we could say I'm a little emotional this week:) Mommy and Daddy are trying to be patient waiting for your arrival! I'm also looking forward to my massage today, the lady I have swearers she can put you into labor in within 24 hours we will see! 

 Milestones: Your baby's the size of a watermelon!

Baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there. She probably weighs around 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches.

  • She's probably able to flex his limbs now.
  • Her brain is still rapidly developing -- she's getting smarter by the week!
  • Her nails may extend past his fingertips.

Friday, May 4, 2012

A few of my favorite things!

Since my pregnancy is winding down I thought I should make a list of some of my favorite things/products that I loved to use during my pregnancy!

1. Palmers cocoa butter I've used this and the oil everyday sometimes twice a day. So far so good no stretch marks yet:)
2. Joe's maternity jeans, I've lived in these,  they are so comfy and feel like I'm wearing sweat pants not jeans...I'm going to have a hard time tucking these babies away

3. VS Pink yoga pants.... I wear these puppies a lot, first thing I change into when I get home from work and even on some of my day off. 

4. Gap maternity pure body shirts I have them in several colors in long sleeve. They stretch awesome and are super soft (comfort is always key for me even when I'm not prego)
Clarisonic Mia is available in multiple colors
5. Clarisonic Mia, Love this! It makes your face feel so fresh and clean. This has been a life savor my face has never been so broken out (they say having a girl takes the pretty out of you haha) I can only imagine how bad it would have been with out this! 
6. I craved these stupid things till about 33 weeks, thank god I am now sick of them. I would have to have some every morning but would only allow myself 2-3 ... yikes!!

color finder banner
7.  Zoya nail polish, Love it! Once you use this you won't want to use any other band...It last a long time, they have amazing colors and it is toxin free so very safe to use for you and baby
Silver with Black/Gray Lid
8. Contigo stainless steel water bottle= AMAZING!!! It keeps things cold for up to 20 hours and it has really helped me stayed hydrated because my water has to be super cold for me to drink it.

A few other things I love are my maternity leggings from motherhood maternity, I got so much wear out of these,  coldstones birthday cake remix, frozen yogurt from sweet toppings or snikers ice cream bars! If you can't tell I love ice cream:)  Also my full body pillow I used a lot until I got bigger,  now I like a small one in front and behind me!  I know there are lots of things I'm forgetting but these were the main ones! Maybe some of you will try them out and love them just as much as me! Have a great weekend everyone:)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

38 Weeks!

Miss Chloe wanted to join the fun this week!

How Far along? 38 weeks... So crazy 

 Maternity clothes? Sure is...this momma is growing out of everything! This dress is not maternity, but I don't have much I can wear these days

Stretch marks? None that I know of,  I feel like everyone I know got them the last few days (praying that doesn't happen to me)

Sleep? Same as last week, it's not as bad as I thought it would be... just getting up lots to go potty 

Best moment last week? This chica got a mani, pedi and my hair cut & colored all in one day.... I'm now officially ready to meet my sweet baby girl;) I also love having my weekly Dr. appointments and we got a lot checked off our to do list this past weekend, YAY for us!!!

Movement? Yep,  she's an extremely strong lil thing! I'm not feeling her as much now, but my dr. said it's normal as she is running out of space in there

Food cravings? Frozen yogurt and brownies! I saw brownies at the grocery store so I had to go home and make them asap YUM!

Gender? Baby GIRL, Estella Marie!!!

Labor signs? Same as last week ...A lot of braxton hicks, she feels lower and I'm having a lot of pressure/pain

Belly button in/out? Still in!

What I miss:   Being able to get off the couch, I feel like a stuck beached whale haha! It takes me a few attempts or Bry will help push me up 

What I am looking forward to: Meeting my baby girl, I'm getting so excited I can hardly stand it!!!! You can come out any day you would like now, I have everything I wanted to get done and gg is back in town! I think Today would be a Great day, a May day baby sounds fun:) But if not I look forward to my Dr.appointment tomorrow to see if I've progressed at all 

Your baby's the size of a pumpkin!

Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen.

  • She may have about an inch or so of hair already.
  • She's slowly shedding that white goo on her skin (called vernix caseosa) but you might see some of it at birth.