Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!!!

  Happy Mothers day to all the Mommas out there, I hope you all have an extra special day today:)  I'm still hanging in there at almost 40 weeks pregnant, I thought for sure you were going to be early, but I was wrong! I would love if you decided to make your grand entrance in to the world today I just can not wait to meet you baby girl, but I know you will come when you are ready! I can only hope I will be an amazing mom to you like gg is to me! I have never met anyone who has a more generous, creative, caring, and selfless mom like mine... she would do anything for anyone and I'm so lucky to have her as my role model! This morning we went to the TPC for brunch like we do every Mothers Day and I am kinda glad I made it since this is one of my favorite times of the year! The golf course looks beautiful and the food is to DIE for..... I defiantly got my fill!  I'm stuffed,  your daddy said maybe all this food will help push you out haha

Even though you aren't here yet I was still spoiled with Mother's Day gifts, Gg gave me a card and pedicure gift certificate and your daddy got me just what I've been asking for a lowercase e diamond pendent:) It's also my push present.  Yes I did just say push present! If you haven't got one and your a momma or momma to be you should, you deserve it! I wanted something simple and classic that I could wear forever  and it would remind me of you everyday, the lowercase is because you are lil e and I'm big E:)
Today has been a great day so far and soon we will be off to celebrate with Bry's mom and family at a BBQ! I 'm looking forward to celebrating Bry's first Fathers Day next month!!!
                                   Hopefully my next post will be announcing lil miss is here:)

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