Tuesday, May 8, 2012

39 Weeks....We hope you come soon:)

How Far along? 39 weeks...we can wait to meet our sweet baby GIRL!!!

 Maternity clothes? Yep...I have a black maxi skirt that is not maternity that I have been wearing a lot, but pretty much all tops or else my belly's hanging out = not cute haha!!

Stretch marks? Not yet or none I can see, so my fingers are still crossed

Sleep? Same, some night better then others but overall better then I thought I would be at this point:)

Best moment last week? I scored some awesome deals at baby gap, got bry his fathers day gift that I'm super excited to give him ( I know I'm very early on this but I figured I wouldn't have the time when it came) I had two strangers tell me I looked small and couldn't believe I was due anytime... that made this momma feel great since I feel as big as a house:) Hearing lil misses heart beat and to know I progressed a little more at my last appointment! And I can not forget Bry won a big national contest at work, it was very exciting to see all his hard work pay off! Your girls are so very proud of you!!!!

Movement? Yep,  but she's definitely running out of room the movement is less often and feels completely different then kicks and punches from before

Food cravings? Frozen yogurt, and anything chocolate! 

Gender? Baby GIRL, Estella Marie!!!

Labor signs? Just waking up every night having a lot of cramping/ braxton hicks then it just goes away, she's so low I feel like she has no where to go but out ;) As of my last Dr. appointment I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced so  I wonder what I'll be tomorrow

Belly button in/out? Still in, getting pretty flat but I don't think it's going anywhere!

What I miss:  Being comfortable, and being able to get my socks and shoes on! Thanks bry for all your assistance on getting me off the couch and helping with my shoes and socks 

What I am looking forward to: Having my BABY GIRL any day!!!! We can not wait to meet you, see what you look like, see how big you are, if you have hair, hold you, kiss you, and snuggle you! We love you sooooooo much already, I can only imagine the feeling I'm going to feel for you when seeing you for the first time ( I'm tearing up just thinking about it, we could say I'm a little emotional this week:) Mommy and Daddy are trying to be patient waiting for your arrival! I'm also looking forward to my massage today, the lady I have swearers she can put you into labor in within 24 hours we will see! 

 Milestones: Your baby's the size of a watermelon!

Baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there. She probably weighs around 6.2 to 9.2 pounds and measures about 18.9 to 20.9 inches.

  • She's probably able to flex his limbs now.
  • Her brain is still rapidly developing -- she's getting smarter by the week!
  • Her nails may extend past his fingertips.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I'm 39 weeks too and definitely READY! Although, I'm not progressing AT ALL like you are. So jealous! Hope your little girl arrives soon, safe and sound! I'll be thinking of you!
