Wednesday, May 23, 2012

LiL Miss is HERE!!!

Quick picture between contractions
 1 day shy of 40 weeks
     As I'm sure most of you have figured out since I didn't have a 40 week post that my lil miss has arrived! We are so excited to announce the arrival of our sweet baby girl Estella Marie!! She was born on her due date May 15th 2012 @ 7:14 am (I guess she wanted to be right on time:) She weighed 6lbs 12oz is 19 3/4" long, has lots of hair and is PERFECT in every way :) WE are so so in LOVE, I can not describe the feeling of having her here, it's even more amazing then you could ever imagine and our lives feel so complete!
Feeling great after the epidural 

It all started on Monday the 14th I had my 40 week Dr. appointment a day early right away in the morning. I left there feeling defeated I hadn't progressed since the last week I was still at 3cm dilated and 80% effaced so my Dr suggested to set up my induction date for the next Monday. As soon as he mentioned next Monday I started tearing up thinking I had to wait a whole week! My maternity leave starts tomorrow and I only have 8 weeks I want that whole time to be with my baby. The Dr. looked at me like I had five heads and asked if he said something that upset me??? I wanted to be like duh buddy I don't want to wait that long but I also wanted to go on my own and not have to be induced especially because I was still feeling pretty good and I did really love being pregnant. We left it for Monday and he said I'm sure you will have her before then she's in position ready to go and is very low!
  So from my appointment my mom and I ran a few errands during that I thought I was starting to have contractions but didn't know it it was from him checking me at my appointment. From there we went  back to my moms. It was a very hot day so we hung out by the pool and I wasn't feeling good and thought the contractions were getting stronger and closer together. Bry came over for dinner and by the time dinner was over around 6:30 I had a feeling tonight would be the night! We came home and from that point on they were getting very strong. We called the hospital and the Dr. said to come on in! The feeling was so crazy thinking this is it we are going to have our baby!!!!! That drive felt like the longest drive EVER I could not get comfortable in the car....we hit every red light and even got stopped because of an accident.  When I got to the hospital I was dilated to 4 1/2 -5 and my contraction were about 3 min apart they got my delivery room set up and it was go time!

 It was just a few hours after being there I was able to get my epidural and was already dilated to a 7. (I'm not sure why everyone doesn't get one, I was able to really enjoy my labor after it kicked in)  From that point on it was easy, it did slow everything down but I was ok because I was comfortable. We tried to get some rest but easier said then done I was way to excited to sleep! I stalled out at a 9 for awhile and my contractions were getting father apart so they decided to start giving me pitocin. After a few hours I was fully dilated and her position was +1 my, water still hadn't broke so they decided to break it and then just waited till I had the urge to push which was about 45 min after. I stated pushing around 6am and Estella made her grand entrance into this world at 7:14 am!
cutting the cord for the second time,
 missed it the first time everything happened so quick
Couldn't take my eyes off our beautiful baby girl :)

First family photo my eyes were a little swollen 
This was by far the BEST day ever, our lives have been forever changed and I'm so grateful for this!!! I could not have done this without the support from Bry he has been amazing through this whole pregnancy, delivery and first week of her life! Bry even put a special song on his I pod for the delivery room...Stelly and I are some lucky ladies to have him!

So so in love with my lil Stelly

Daddy's girl

Our cutie pie

Estella's Favorite spot

My mom put this on our front door and Flamingos in our flower beds :)

This whole experience has been amazing, I feel very blessed and fortunate that I had a great pregnancy, delivery and a healthy baby! I hope that everyone who wants to can experience this one day too! I can not wait to watch Estella grow into a lil lady, but not too fast (mommy already cried that you are a week old already), be with her through every milestone, and teach her about all the amazing things life has to offer! My wish for her is to be a happy, healthy, strong, confident, kind, fun, active, loving little girl!

Estella you are more perfect than we could have ever imagined. We've waited a long time to meet you and every minute was worth the wait. We are so proud to be your parents and can't wait for all the great times ahead. We love you more than you will ever know and want only what is best for you.  
  Mommy and Daddy


  1. What a beautiful story!! Thanks so much for sharing! I just love reading birth stories! Gives me hope that things will progress along for me too! Fingers crossed!
