Friday, June 8, 2012

3 1/2 weeks old

Our lil family out to dinner
Stelly's First walk!
Starting to like her paci
And I'm 3 days late again with this post but, Lil miss is already three weeks old! Where has the time gone??? I'm just going to do a short recap of this week! We finally got to go on our first walk because it had been so rainy and now we go everyday. So nice to get out of the house and get fresh air! I finally found a paci that she will take thank you mam brand!!!! She will suck her thumb if she can find it but I  wanted to have something else that could soothe baby girl:) She has also decided she only wants a bottle now and will not latch.  We only gave her one bottle at night and not even everyday, but we've got a smart girl on our hands she knows she gets her food so much faster that way! I worked really hard all week trying not to give her one but she would get so upset it wasn't worth seeing her like that! So now its me and the pump which is double the work since I have to feed her with a bottle and hope I can put her down long enough to get a pump in! Other big news we just found out yesterday peanut has finally reached 7lb... way to go baby girl! That made me feel so much better knowing she was gaining weight, I can't wait for her to get chubby and have rolls:) We also went up to my work to visit the girls but it was pretty short lived. Estella was not a happy camper, she must know that's where I will have to go back in just 4 1/2 short weeks! At least it's only 16 hours one week and 20 the other, I couldn't imagine having to leave her for more then that.

On a not so fun note this momma got mastitis yesterday!!! I was feeling pretty good most of the day and around 5:00 I woke up from a nap and felt very weak (I could hardly lift Stella), every joint in my body hurt and I felt like I had a fever. By 9:30 it was getting really bad I was in so much pain and my temp was 101. I called my Dr. and they confirmed what I thought it would be and got me on an antibiotic right away. So off Bryan went at 10:30 to pick it up, poor guy had to be up at 5:30 this morning too! Thank god for my mom she came over to help out through most of the night, we could not have done it without her....Love you mom your the best:) I'm feeling a lot better today, I'm still sore and totally exhausted. This was definitely the worst pain I have ever been in, so hopefully this won't happen again!!!

Four of my favorite products that have made this week a little easier-
Aden+Anais Muslin swaddle blankets.
these have been perfect for our walks
 I can cover her car seat to keep the sun and bugs out
 and it's so light weight she doesn't get hot 

MAM Baby Love and Affection Pacifier 2 x 2 Pack - Pink (2+ Months)
Mam Pacifier's
Only paci lil miss will take,
I think because they are nice & small
she is so tiny the other brands were to big for her
Hands Free pumping bra,
This is way more comfortable and it's nice to
be able to hold Stella or use he computer if I need to

Munchkin Bottle warmer is a must
especially if you are pumping
because I always have to warm the bottle
 and it only takes 2 min! You want to be fast for a crying hungry baby:)


  1. She is SO cute! And I love your recommendations! Will be referencing back in a couple weeks! ;)
