Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weeks 1&2

Estella's First Two Weeks

1 week old
2 weeks old
  Weight: Estella was born at 6lb 12oz, she went down to 6lb 1oz and at her first week check up was up to 6lb. 8oz and her 2 week 6.9.9 oz she is still a little peanut

Loves: She loves eating, sleeping especially on daddy's chest or in her mamma roo, when she is awake shes so alert she loves to stare at mommy and daddy, being rocked or bouncing lil miss likes movement, she also loves getting baths just not getting out of them and she love loves the sound of the hair dryer it can get her to stop crying in seconds.... kinda funny because when I was pregnant I would joke with my clients that I bet she will love the sound of the clippers or blow dryer :)

Eating: Pretty much every two hours during the day and she will go about four at night. She would go longer at night if I let her but because she is still trying to gain back to her birth weight I have to wake her up, she can only go one four hour stretch at night! I now know why new moms say they feel milking cows ha!

Sleeping: She likes her sleep she always stays awake after her first feeding in the morning until her next one then usually stays awake between 2 other feedings throughout the day. She's been sleeping in her Mama roo next to the bed because she hates laying flat on her back in her bassinet 

Fun Facts: Her belly button feel off when she was 6 days old during her new born pictures. Also estella likes to only open one eye a lot of the time so daddy calls her a pirate, not sure this is a fun fact but when she cries really hard she sounds like a dolphin, lil miss has some pipes on her... at the hospital the nurses called her very spirited;)

Clothes: Since stelly is so tiny she is in new born clothes and is drowning in them! I had to go out and buy some because I had so little nb size, I never thought she would be under 7 pounds and my mom kept telling me she won't hardly be able to wear them! Boy was she wrong ha! I think she will be in nb clothes and diapers for at least another month 
Firsts: Stelly's had her first car ride, first bath, first Dr. appointment, first photo session, first shopping trips to target, old navy and the carters store, first diaper rash poor lil thing( but with baking soda bath soaks for her bum, letting it air out as much as possible and using the lansinoh nipple cream with butt paste over the top really helped to heal it fast) she had her first trip out to dinner we got to do pasta night at the tpc and she was perfect and slept the whole time! Looking forward to all the firsts with lil miss 

Favorite baby and mommy products: These are a few things we could not live with out that have made the first few weeks a lot easier and that baby and me love! 

 These are silicone nursing pads they are amazing
 and work way better then the pads! This would be the #1 thing
I would recommend to any mom who plans on bf !
I had a few people tell me how great they were so glad I  got them:)

The boppy useful even if you aren't breast feeding
Bry even uses it when he gives her a bottle

I've found this butt paste works the best for stella's lil bum
Boon drying rack!
  I feel like I've never done so many dishes, but this is cute and functional
Works great for all the bottles and pump parts I need to dry

 Mamma roo will only sleep in this
hates sleeping flat on her back in her bassinet
Summerinfant swaddleme's
She sleeps in these every night keeps her warm and all bundled up

I can not wait to see what Lil miss has in store for us each passing week, but I'm really trying to soak up every moment because it already feels like it's going by way to fast... hence way I cry every week that she's already another week older;) This post is a little late since she will already be 3 weeks old on Tuesday (I can not believe that) but hopefully I will be able to start getting some sort of a routine down so I can keep up on my blogging better.  Hope everyone one is having a great weekend!


  1. Congrats on your little peanut! And congrats on surviving the first two weeks! Our little guy is about the same age and we're experiencing a lot of the same "firsts" that you guys are. Such an exciting time! Hope you're getting some sleep!

  2. What a great post!! Congrats...she's precious in every way! And I love the "must-have" products...need to check out the Lily Pads stat!
