Thursday, June 21, 2012

5 weeks and last weekends recap!

5 weeks old already and Lil miss is changing so much!!! Her color is getting lighter, I think we might have a blonde on our hands! Her hair was dark brown when she was born and for the most part still looks brown but 1/4 inch at the scalp looks super light and her lashes and eye brows are very blonde! Daddy was very light when he was born so we shall see:) Her new born diapers are starting to get a little snug so we will finish up what we have and move to the big girl diapies size 1s! She's finally not drowning in her nb clothes and I'm excited about that because most of her closet is 0-3 or 3 month, so I can't wait to dress her up and hopefully some of her headbands will start to fit too!!! She has started to grab on to everything and boy does she have a strong grip. Her favorite things to pull are Gg's necklace, mommy's hair and daddy's t shirts! She's gaining lots of weight, Estella is now 8lb 5.5oz   Woo Hoo what a big girl! I love waking up everyday to find another roll on stelly's legs, her belly a little bigger and her cheeks a little fuller so cute, I wish my rolls were cute too haha!
On that note I had my postpartum check up today and it looks like I've got 10 more pounds to go. I gained a total of 35 pounds.... definitely more then I wanted to but it just kinda crept in the last two months. The first 20 pounds came off without doing anything the first 2 weeks and now in the last 3 weeks I've only lost another 5. I have a feeling these last 10 pounds are going to be pretty tough to get rid of, so I need to start working on that asap!!!

First pool play date with my work girlfriends

Libby and Miss Savannah 

My cousin Ash and Mr. Max

The lil misses 

Stell's First time wearing her bathing suit 
This picture is 6 days after the last one and look
how much bigger she is! Bib is on just in case,
Stella spits up kinda a lot 
This past weekend was so much fun and a special one at that! It was stella's one month, my birthday and Bry's first fathers day! Friday was such an awesome day, I had my girlfriends from work over for our first pool play date! Even though estella had to stay out of the sun, she still had a great time snoozing the day away in her adorable bathing suit:) It's so great to have other mommy's to talk with about your experiences and ask for advice! We can't wait for the next play date with you all!!! Saturday my mom and I did a little shopping and then bry and I went to our first movie since lil one was born. It was very fitting too, we saw what to expect when your expecting and it was pretty funny! Sunday we started out with brunch at bry's dad's house and then went to my parents to celebrate my b-day and fathers day with a bbq! I had been craving shrimp on the gill so we had that a shish kabobs and we can't forget the giant red velvet cup cakes YUM! Red Velvet is my fav:) I was so excited to give Bry his gift I had been holding on too for the past few months and he loved it! I got him a all black watch with engraving on the back that says love your girls! I thought it was the perfect gift to always remember this special time in our lives!
At brunch

Cousin Elyse in heaven feeding stella....she loves babies 
I can't believe it's almost the weekend again, not sure where my weeks have gone but I only have three left at home and I'm trying to savor every minute!!!! Bry's leaving for a wedding he's in in NC tomorrow and I'm pretty bummed me and estella don't get to go but we can't wait to hear all about it and see all the pictures! We sure will miss daddy when he's gone, but I'm hoping for great weather so we can have a relaxing weekend hanging at the pool! We will be staying with my parents so I will have lots of help! 

 Happy weekend everyone:) 

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