Saturday, June 16, 2012

We have a 1 month old!

Lil Miss Is one month old!!!
Not super excited about all the pics 

We have a one month old people! I can hardly believe it, I feel like I've blinked my eyes and the last 4 1/2 weeks have flew by! The days seem to go by so fast, and every morning I wake up lil miss has change in some way. Yesterday I was just noticing how she is getting rolls on her chubby baby legs:) This past month has been the most rewarding, amazing, fun, special, time in our lives and also a lil challenging but not in a bad way! I just mean challenging in trying to get a routine down, making sure lil miss is content and happy, it kills me to see her upset especially when I know shes in pain and that has been the hardest part. We have now switched to soy milk so I hope my poor girl doesn't have tummy problems anymore!

This weekend is a big weekend for all of us it's Stelly's one month today, it's this lady's Birthday tomorrow and Bry's first fathers day :) Today we are going to have a pool day with my girlfriends and their babes, tomorrow I want to see the movie what to expect when you're expecting and go to dinner and Sunday we are having brunch with bry's family and then grilling out with my family for fathers day/my b-day and bry just wants to watch golf all day and hang with his girls;)  Estella wants to wish her daddy a very happy first fathers day and tell him he's the BEST daddy you could ask for, thanks for loving me so much!!!
Loving her daddy

 We feel like the Luckiest parents in the world to be blessed with such a perfect baby! Although I am sad to see you get older, I'm looking forward to watching you learn new things everyday! We love you Estella more then you will ever know, thanks for the best month of our lives:)

Weight: I'm not sure what she weighs now but I would guess at least 7lb 5oz she finally hit 7lb at 3 weeks 

Loves: The hair dyer is still her favorite sound it can make her stop crying in seconds or put her to sleep in minutes! She still loves getting a bath, she gets so relaxed in them. Also loves her soft minky blankets gg made her she snuggles right up to them

Eating: Stella eats every 2-3 hours and goes one 4 hour stretch at night. She's eating between 2-3 ounces usually closer to 3. As of yesterday you are on strictly soy formula and we are praying no more tummy aches for you 

Sleeping: She sleeps one 4 hour stretch then just lots of naps between feedings, still will only sleep at night in her mama roo

Fun Facts: Estella has lots of names we call her- Stella, stelly, smelly stelly (poor thing is one stinky lil girl), stelly belly, peanut and pumpkie:) 

Clothes:  Still new born starting to fit a little better but most are still to big and still NB diapers

Firsts: Smelly Stelly had her first major blow out TMI I know but it was too funny. My mom was giving her a bottle standing in the kitchen, I was talking to her and all the sudden you herd it and it came shooting at least 3 feet out of her diaper....thank god we were on wood floor. Didn't faze her at all but we died laughing. I of course had to call bry right away because I knew he would find it hilarious!!! Another first Stella started using her play mats for the first few times and seemed to really enjoy them for a few minutes even tummy time she likes for a bit ;) We also had your first time going to a Friends house. Our buddy Dan had us over to reveal the baby brew that they brewed in honor of Estella. They even custom painted the bottles and label, it was the sweetest thing, thanks boys:) and I can not forget our favorite first just the last two days she's started to smile at us just a few times but it melts your heart... I can't wait to get more of those big gummy smiles!!!
Almost caught her in a full smile 
Play time, she's even hit he toys a few times
but I'm sure it wasn't on purpose ha!

Thanks boys Best surprise!!! Wise Guys Brewery 

The bottles even said "the one and only"

Had to get a shot of her cute lil ruffle butt

Favorite baby and mommy products: 
From my last post that we still love are-
The mama roo
aden+anais swaddle blankets
Mum pacifiers 
munchkin bottle warmer
boon grass drying rack
I love any burt bees product so this is no exception
the smell is amazing and it's super soft
and moisturizing great for sensitive skin
Born Free anti colic bottles really help her not get the milk so fast
 so it helps prevent gas I like them way better then the Avent brand

I used the non sensitive for one day and
that's when she got her diaper rash and she was only a week old
plus they feel hard and not gentle on her lil tush 
Estella loves the taste, seemed to help
but not when she had really bad tummy aches 

Next up I need to get her newborn pictures on here! 
I hope everyone has a great weekend and Happy Fathers Day to all you Daddy's!!!!

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