Monday, October 15, 2012

5 months old!

5 MONTHS OLD, I can not believe it! I didn't think time could go by any faster then it has, but each month proves me wrong and it's over before I know it. This last month has been my favorite! Girlfriend you are one adorable, happy, smiley, fun, silly lil girl and we just can't get enough of you! We have had so much fun this month, lets see what you've been up too!

You smile like crazy and the second I pull out the camera there gone,
these were the best out of the bunch (3rd pic your doing the motor boat)
Weight/Length~  We haven't been to the Dr. since your 4 month check up, but doing it at home your around 16lbs and 24in

Loves~ You have so many... baths and you love to splash now, walks, playing with your toys (Sophie, rattles, oball, taggies blanket), mommy reading to you, grabbing your toes, pulling off and trying to eat your socks, being out and about, shopping with gg. You love grabbing on to anything you can and putting everything in your mouth! Mommy and daddy's favorite thing to do is dance and sing with you and you LOVE love it! Your lil legs and arms have never stopped moving since the day you were born, I think you were born to dance. You jump like crazy and slap your arms all around when you hear music. Daddy's also trying to teach you how to drum young and you think it's so funny when he takes your arms and drums to the beat.
Every months getting tougher to take your picture,
you either want to grab you toes, suck your fingers or eat your sticker :)
Eating~ Still 4-5oz of soy formula and you get rice cereal w/ bananas after your morning bottle. Your still spitting up after every bottle, we can't wait for you to out grow it

Sleeping~ Most nights you go to bed between 7:30-8:30 and sleep till 5-5:45 take a bottle and go back down for an hour or two but the last few nights you've been sleeping straight to 7-7:30! You've been trying to roll over in your sleep but get stuck on your side with your face smashed into the mattress and it makes mommy nervous so every night like clock work I wake up at 2:30 and put you back on your back. You have good days and bad days with your naps still, but I'm OK with that I would rather have you sleep at night
Kisses for daddy, baby sit ups and so big
Fun Facts~ You got baptized this month:) You like to talk up a storm just like your mommy. You make funny facial expressions when you talk like you surprise yourself every time you get something to come out. You've started to gasp and you laugh every time you do it and you just started doing the motor boat with your mouth, so drool goes everywhere, you silly girl. You hardly cry anymore but if you do it seems you get so worked up it's hard to get you to settle down, usually lots of cuddles while dancing to loud music works wonders:)

You roll from back to tummy
Clothes~ 3-6 , mostly 6 months. I've put you in a few 6-12 because I bought all your Halloween outfits last year and got them on the bigger side. They are pretty big but you still look cute as ever. Mommy and gg are having way to much fun dressing you for Halloween and gg's been busy making you lots of darling things and super cute hats to match! You are also still wearing 2 diapers

Firsts~ You've had so many this month....First trip to Florida, First airplane ride, putting your toes in the ocean & sand, having your toes painted, eating rice cereal and bananas, sitting in your highchair, rolling from back to tummy. First time to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch.  We also just tried your johnny jump up yesterday for the first time. You weren't quite sure what to do, but I know eventually you will love it because you would jump all day on my lap of I let you!
Collage of your many firsts!

What a great month we had baby girl, you are just the best lil thing ever! We are truly blessed and so lucky to have you! Estella we love you so very very much and we're looking forward to all the fun things we have coming up:)

We Love You Always & Forever  
Love, Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Miss Estella and my Jaqs are so similar! She is doing those sit-ups all the time too...cracks me up! Maybe I should be doing them with her ;)

    She's so sweet, and you're right, it just keeps getting better!
