Tuesday, December 18, 2012

7 months!

I'm not going to lie,  having you turn 7 months old was kinda hard and I may have teared up a bit. It means you are closer to a one year old then a lil baby and that makes momma sad even though each month gets more and more fun! Time just keeps going faster and I can hardly believe it's been 7 months since you your born. It's hard to even remember the day I went in to labor or how tiny you once were (Thankfully I have this blog to look back on)!  You are such a big girl now and everything you do always seems to amaze me. I may be a little biased but I think you are the cutest, most fun loving baby around;) We've done lots of fun things lately getting prepared for your first Christmas. We've been busy reading Christmas books, making ornaments for you to give as your gift to family(they may or may not look like a hand print but that what we were going for) listening/singing to christmas music, watching me decorate, brunch with Santa, lots of shopping, you've helped gg bake and you got your first elf on the shelf :)

Weight/length~ 18 lbs, 1oz  and around 25 in

Love~  Your biggest love right now is your furry big sis Chloe, you love to grab her ears and fur it never fails if she walks by your face lights up, it's so cute! You love playing with your big girl toys anything that lights up and plays music is your favorite, jumping in your johnny jump up, playing peekaboo, ripping up paper if you can get your hands on some...you are going to have so much fun opening your presents! You still love putting anything and everything in your mouth to suck on, especially our sweatshirt strings you always seem to find them or your toes when you can get them in your mouth. Your loving you blankies big time right now, you want to snuggle your face into them. You love to grab at everything, including our faces...I think you like the feel of daddy and grandpa's beards!

Eating~ Your drinking Soy Formula & eating solids twice a day. Your like drinking water out of your sippy cup with the straw, the other ones you won't even try. I tried giving you a mum mum but right away you acted like you were choking and you also did that when I gave you a teeny tiny piece of banana, so your definitely not ready for little finger foods!  But you did like when I put a banana in the munchkin mesh feeder, you went to town on that thing!

Sleeping~ Most nights you still sleep great. You go to bed between 730-8 and getting up around 6 or 7. But the last few nights have been rough. You caught the stomach bug not sure where but you have had the runs for five days now, you poor thing. We took you to the doctor they said this kind of stuffs been going around like crazy and to make sure we have you drink lots to keep you hydrated

 Clothing~ 9 month or 6-12, It's been so fun dressing you in all your festive wear! Your in size 3 diapers It

Fun Facts~ You have the rosiest cheeks I've ever seen, You've started reaching a lot for us now, You are such a lil wiggle worm, so changing your diaper has become quite the challenge! You always try to feed yourself, you snipe the spoon away from me and you get so mad when I take it back. You also like to hold your own bottle too. Your great at fake crying to get what you want, it usually starts out with a cough that so over exaggerated, but it's kinda funny. You could play with a water bottle or unopened bag of animal cookies forever...who needs toys when you have those!

Firsts~ We were so excited that you got to meet your great grandma Kaye for the first time, she's visiting from Az! You had your first Thanksgiving, first brunch with Santa, first time sitting on Santa's lap, first stomach bug so you had pedialyte for the first time too:(

I'm so excited to celebrate your first Christmas this coming week! I will always cherish your firsts & all our special times we have together! I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a sweet, beautiful baby girl! I can't wait to see what new, exciting things you will be up to this month! We LOVE you to pieces Estella!!!
Love Always & Forever,
Mommy & Daddy

My Heart goes out to all the families affected in Newtown, I can't even imagine what they're going through, my heart hurts for them! Sending lots of love & prayers their way!

I'm only a few days behind on this, but I'm also linking up for mommy & me monday over at  Dear Owen go check it out! Cute way to add a picture of you and baby each week:) 

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