Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

It's hard to believe we're already ending 2012,  I remember this day last year thinking we had so much to look forward to and how it was going to be the best year yet.....and it was!  2012 was such a good year that it's sad to see it end, but it will always hold a special place in my heart! It's the year our family grew, we became parents for the first time by welcoming our beautiful baby girl into this world and we shared lots of new firsts with Estella! Lots has changed for us in a year, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
This year my New Years resolution is to become more ORGANIZED, I need this badly! I feel like papers and piles are starting to consume me and drive me crazy!!! Bry promised we would work on it together :)  I Think 2013 has a lot of fun in store for us, we're looking forward to another great year!!!

Wishing Everyone A Happy, Healthy New Year!!!

Stelly Girl ready to PARTY;)


  1. Happy New Year little Miss!! Hope 2013 treats you well!

  2. Love it!!! Happy New Year!! I feel the same way about 2012, but your right so much to look forward to in the new year!
