Tuesday, April 3, 2012

34 Weeks!

How Far along? 34 weeks 

 Maternity clothes? Yep, still a little of both! I'm finding it harder to pick out what to wear though & I hate repeating outfits often, but with the weather being so nice I don't have very many warm weather maternity clothes!

Stretch marks? Not that I can see, I sure hope it stays this way

Sleep? Getting less and less each week but nothing I didn't expect! Poor Bry has no room even in a king size bed me and my four pillows (two for my head, one behind me and one in front) have taken over the bed not to mention Chloe at the foot of it!

Best moment last week? Our baby showers over the weekend! We were overwhelmed with generosity from everyone & we can not thank everyone enough for coming and all the wonderful gifts for Estella!  She's one lucky girl to be loved by so many people already:) It was really fun putting everything away and starting to wash some of her clothes. My favorite story from this past weekend was  our good friend Dan saying he had no idea what to get us and a lil birdie told him diapers...he said he thought that should be easy until he reached the diaper aisle and realized there are a zillion brands and sizes to choose from!  He facial expressions are what made the story, but anywho he found a couple that lead him in the right direction to NB pampers swaddlers, he did good! It makes me laugh just thinking of him standing in the diaper section totally confused!!! My dad also got some things in the nursery hung and our family antique rocker got done being reupholstered. Everything is almost Finished!!!!

Movement? Yep, She is really pushing around in there and I finally got my dad to feel her one tiny lil time she always stops for anyone else...I guess she's a mommas girl already;)

Food cravings? Fruit, but not much this week! I'm trying to slowly stop my Mini chocolate donut craving so I won't want them once I'm not pregnant anymore,( I allow myself 2 with my oatmeal every morning instead of my 3-4 ha) but it was so sweet our friend Justin brought me two bags to our shower and our friends Jillayne and Jared had them at our other couples shower they hosted! What awesome friends, it was so nice of them to think of me and my crazy cravings!!!

Gender? GIRL, Estella Marie

Labor signs? A few Braxton hicks but nothing much thankfully

Belly button in/out? Still hanging in there

What I miss:   Just being able to bend over comfortably 

What I am looking forward to: My Dr. appointment tomorrow morning, I love getting to hear Estella's heartbeat and getting the thumbs up everything is still going good! Each passing week is going by very fast and I just hope it stays that way because I can not wait to meet our lil princess!!!

Milestones:Your baby's the size of a Cantaloupe!
At less than two months to go, she weighs in at about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches
She's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if you're singing them. (If you're not, start! She may find them soothing after birth.)
She's also urinating about a pint a day.


  1. You look GREAT! Love your dress...where is it from? Glad to hear you're doing well! :)

  2. Thanks, It's from a pea in the pod!
