Tuesday, April 10, 2012

35 Weeks!

How Far along? 35 weeks 

 Maternity clothes? Yep, some of both but mostly maternity now. I'm getting pretty sick of them and I can not wait to go shopping for new summer clothes

Stretch marks? Not that I can see,  using lots of palmers lotion and oil so I'm hoping it stays that way!

Sleep? Not horrible could be better could be worse 

Best moment last week? My 34 week Dr. appointment! I'm measuring right on track, she's still head down, her heart sounds perfect and I was surprised to find out we get to have one more ultra sound next week. Easter was great too, I started off the day with a brunch at my cousins house while Bry went golfing and later we went out to dinner with his family. This is the first year we have not been in Florida for Easter with my family so I'm looking forward to going next year with Estella! I can not wait to celebrate all of her first holidays it's going to make them all extra special!

Movement? Yep, I love feeling and seeing it! She's even been having the hiccups a lot lately kinda fun to feel! 

Food cravings? Not a lot this week but it was nice to be able to indulge in all the Easter food, candy and desserts! 

Gender? Baby GIRL, Estella Marie

Labor signs? A few Braxton hicks and one night I woke up feeling like I was having contractions like nothing I've felt before kinda scary but they stopped after awhile and it hasn't happened again

Belly button in/out? Still hanging in, not sure if it will ever pop out

What I miss:   Just being able to bend over comfortably, and shaving my legs quickly it's getting pretty tricky to do 

What I am looking forward to: My ultra sound next week, I'm beyond excited to see our sweet growing girl one more time before she's here! Also having the weekend of to work on a few things I want to get organized and start to pack my hospital bag

Milestones: Your baby's the size of a butternut squash!

She's about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. From here on out, she won't get much longer, but he's plumping up. She's now about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds, and she'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth.

  • Now, her hearing is fully developed, and she responds best to high-pitched noises.


  1. I just love this post!! I'm new here... was randomly blog hopping and HAD to say hi. Your blog is so lovely and I can't wait to read more! I hope you have a great weekend, sugar! xo

  2. OH you're so lucky to get another u/s! Not sure if we will unless there's a reason for it! And so happy she's head down and ready to go! Very exciting!
