Wednesday, April 25, 2012

37 Weeks!

How Far along? 37 weeks...Oh my!!!

 Maternity clothes? Yep, mostly maternity still a few items I can rock that are not maternity like this dress<-

Stretch marks? None I can see, hopefully I can hold out just a few more weeks

Sleep? Some nights ok, others not so much...I'm just trying to get comfy with all my pillows

Best moment last week? Seeing our baby girl knowing everything is A OK, finding out I'm dilated to a 1 and 60% effaced (my Dr. said he thinks even if I make it to 40 weeks she will only be around 7 1/2 pounds), Having my last baby shower with my work girls, Bry and I going on a mini shopping spree at Target for what was left on the registry that we couldn't live without, getting another massage ( if you are preggo you should defiantly treat yourself to's heaven:) and finding a cute robe and slippers for the hospital I still wanna look cute right?

Movement? Yep, most days still a lot! I'm going to miss this part when she's here

Food cravings? Strawberry banana smoothies 

Gender? Baby GIRL, Estella Marie!!!

Labor signs? A lot of braxton hicks, still seems likes she's dropping even more... not sure where else she can go now but out haha! Also like I mention before starting to dilated and thin out

Belly button in/out? Still in! Kinda flat but don't think it's going to pop out ever

What I miss:   Just being comfortable but it's soooooo worth it

What I am looking forward to: Jury duty to be over, so far so good. I haven't had to go in and I only have 2 days left! Getting the house deep cleaned and checking stuff off our to do list!!! And MOST of all meeting lil miss Estella!!! It really could be anytime now, that just seems so crazy to me! I can not wait to snuggle my baby girl:)

Your baby's the size of a watermelon!

Yay! Baby has reached full term. She likely measures around 18.9 to 20.9 inches and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. She's gaining about 1/2 ounce each day.

  • She's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking.
  • She's getting his first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for his first diaper.

1 comment:

  1. Looking great! I want a prenatal massage SO badly!! Sounds heavenly!
