Tuesday, April 17, 2012

36 Weeks!

How Far along? 36 weeks...times flying by

 Maternity clothes? Yep, mostly maternity and lots of yoga pants on my days off:)

Stretch marks? Not that I know of, hoping it stays this way

Sleep? Some days better then others, it's hard falling asleep when I have so many things running through my head

Best moment last week? Getting a pedicure and
massage!Having a free weekend with just Bry, Chloe and I! We went on lots of walks, went to dinner and a movie and picked up my styling chair so I can start doing some family and friends hair at home!  My sister also came over and helped me put the rest of the decals up in the nursery. Just a few finishing touches and it will be complete, can't wait to show it to everyone

Movement? Yep, lots of jabs and pokes! She loves when her daddy talks to her, she moves like crazy:) She is also still getting lots of hiccups 

Food cravings? Snicker ice cream bars and it's not only my craving this week but also Bry's! It makes me feel better if he's eating one too

Gender? Baby GIRL, Estella Marie

Labor signs? Still some braxton hicks, I can tell she's dropping she seems so low and I'm starting to have lots of pressure and pain

Belly button in/out? Hanging in there still

What I miss:   Just being comfortable but it's soooooo worth it

What I am looking forward to: My Dr. appointment and ultra sound tomorrow!!! We can't wait to see her and hear her heat beat! Also looking forward to my work shower it's a brunch on Sunday and putting the finishing touches on the nursery! Oh and I can't forget I'm on jury duty this week and next so I'm looking forward to it being over so I don't have to call in everyday!

 Milestones: Your baby's the size of a coconut!

She's still in the 17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to beef up.
  • She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own.
  • Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid.
  • Her liver and kidneys are in working order.
  • Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.

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