Wednesday, July 18, 2012

LiL Miss is 2 months old already!!!

It's hard to believe we have a 2 month old....where has the time gone??? LiL Miss you are getting bigger, stronger, & more smiley everyday:) You got your first set of shots today. It was so sad, but you were a rock star only cried right after and have been sleeping ever since! Way to go baby girl:)

Weight & Length: You are 10lb 15oz and 22in long, your weight is in the 37 percentile your height 26% and head 25%

Loves:  You love being held and getting lots and lots of snuggles, I may not get much done during the day because of this but I wouldn't want it any other way! Your snuggles are the best! You still love bath time, your facial expressions are too funny, you look and act like this is the life I'm just going to relax and chill here for a bit:) You love being outside and going for walks. Sitting in your boppy  is you favorite spot on the the couch.You and daddy sit and watch tv together(don't worry we don't let her watch for to long)  You also like your play mat there is a mirror that hangs down and you love to look at yourself and you love love to stare at daddy especially when he sticks 
his tongue out and you try to copy's the cutest thing

Eating: You are on soy formula it's helped some but I've  been researching some of you symptoms and it seems like half are lactose intolerant and half are acid reflex so your Doctor proscribed a medicine today and we are hoping this does the trick to make you feel better! You are eating between 3-4 oz at a time! You definitely let us know when your hungry. You cry like we've been starving you but the second we put your bib on (poor thing you live in one because you spits up a lot) you start making this funny laughing noise that sounds like beavis, and we laugh at it every time.. your too funny little girl! 

Sleeping:  usually one 4 or 4 1/2 stretch at night. I can't figure your napping out some days are great and others you hardly sleep a peep all day and those days don't seem to make a difference in how long you sleep at night

Fun Facts: Your a mover and a shaker , your legs are always kicking and your arms are always moving. Everyone always comments on how strong you are. At your 2 month appointment today your doctor put you on your tummy to watch you do tummy time and you were so close to rolling over. Your Dr. couldn't believe how strong you were. Besides everyone telling you how cute you are, most people always comment on how much hair you have, how long your fingers are and that you have big feet for such a lil peanut haha!!! You are the most smiley in the morning and that makes waking up a lot easier! You are such a happy, smiley baby when you feel good it just breaks my heart to see you in pain so we are praying the meds will make a huge difference for you! 

 Clothes:  You moved up to size one diapers and now wear 0-3 and some 3 months depending on the brand, I'm having so much fun dressing you up:)  

Firsts: You celebrated your first big holiday the 4th of July, you attended your first wedding, you took your first bath out of the little pink bucket the hospital sent home, and you had your first cold it was the saddest thing ever! I know I'm missing some because everything is a first but these were the big ones.   

 Life is so much FUN with you baby girl, someday's may be crazy but we wouldn't have it any other way! It's been so amazing watching you grow & change, we can't wait to see what this next month has in store for you:)

Love Always & forever, mommy & daddy 


  1. Hi Em and Bry! Just wanted to say that I love reading your blog! It's so incredibly sweet to read your thoughts as proud parents of a baby girl, she is absolutely adorable and so very lucky to have the two of you as parents!

  2. Thanks Alanna, That is so sweet! WE hope all is well with you:)
