Tuesday, July 24, 2012

10 weeks & the past few weekends

You are 10 weeks old baby girl...so crazy! Everyday gets more and more fun! You love to smile and It's just the biggest, cutest, best smile ever, melts our hearts every time! I may look very silly but I will do anything to get a smile from you!!! Just in the past few days you have started to notice your four legged sister for the first time, you now will sit and stare at her it's so cute! Before long you are going to be grabbing her tail and crawling after her!  You love standing up when we hold your hands, those lil legs of yours are so strong. I think you are going to be a dancer like me and a jumper like your daddy!  The past few nights you have slept for a 5 hour stretch get up to eat and then fall back asleep for 3 more, so much better mommy and daddy can handle that:) You are still sleeping in your momma roo but I know soon we will have to start putting you in your crib, that day is going to be very hard for me:( but I know we need to do it! You've meet lots of new friends lately and you've been a shopping machine with me and Gg! Man do we have so many cute things for you for next summer, we just can't seem to say no when they are such a good deal;) We can't imagine life without you Stelly, you are just the sweetest little thing ever and you bring so much joy into our lives!!!
Happy Girl

The past two weekends have been busy but so much fun! Last weekend Bry and I went to Jax for our anniversary dinner and after meet our friends out for a going away party for my girlfriend Becky! She just got a job on the Romney campaign and we couldn't be prouder or more excited for her, she's going to do awesome!!! Then Sunday our friends came to visit and she got to meet Baby Kinsley for the first time! She's such a sweetie, we can't wait for the play dates when they can actually play and not just stare at each other haha!

Anniversary dinner

Estella meeting Kinsley for the first time

 This past weekend we had a play date on Friday with my girlfriends from work and their little ones and my friend Miranda came to meet Stella for the first time. Saturday we had a wedding.  Lil miss came with and she was a champ, she did so good the whole night! Everyone couldn't believe she slept through most of the dance...we could she loves loud noises and to be held and boy was she held, Stelly wasn't put down once all night!!! Now with me being a germ freak it was hard watching my baby girl being passed around so you know the first thing I did when we got home even though it was 11pm was give her a bath ha! I felt much better after that! The next morning we headed to Jess's baby shower and Stella did great there too! It was a super cute fun shower and great to see some of the girls that I haven't seen in forever:) We can not wait to meet Jess's lil man (Stelly's Bf)

Auntie Nat couldn't get enough of you:)
mommy to be Jess,  Stelly was sitting on her  bf here haha!

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