Thursday, July 5, 2012

7 Weeks Red, White & BABY Blue!!!

One of my Favorite Pictures:)
My first Big Holiday @ 7 weeks

My baby girl is getting so big, 7 weeks old already! I can not believe where time has gone...I know I say this every week but it's so true and I'm sure I won't stop thinking that! Thankfully we are finally starting to feel better but both of us are still stuffed up, I'm looking forward for this to be gone so we can feel 100% again! We have officially packed away all the newborn clothes. 0-3 and 3 month are still kinda big but I know she will fill them out before we know it! Lately she has been a lot more interested in her play mate she loves to stare at herself in the mirror and she trys grabbing for the toys. This has been nice to have a solid 10 min to get something done quick! Everyday we get more and more smiles and they are just the BEST!!!
Big smiles playing on her play mat staring at herself in the mirror
She loves sitting up in her boppy 

Chloe and Stella Bffs
Our family Friend got my mom this and
 I thought it was too funny but so true!!!
A big first for Stelly was we got to celebrate our first big holiday with her! My favorite thing has been dressing her up in red, white and blue, she's got a few outfits in these colors....hopefully they will fit in a few weeks so we can dress her up again during the Olympics to cheer on team USA! Bryan and I can hardly wait for the games to begin,  one day we hope to go to them as it is one of our top things on our bucket list! Anyway yesterday was just spent relaxing and trying to stay cool because can we say Holy heat wave!!! It has been in the upper 90s all week and yesterday was the hottest day yet. It's kinda hard to do anything with a baby when it's that hot out. I'm looking forward to it cooling off a bit this weekend so we can get outside and go on walks again. Yesterday I was also able to get a little me time in and go shopping while daddy stayed home to play with Stelly! I was gone 2 1/2 hours and he did great, I only got one text that said she peed on the couch haha! I scored some great deals with all the 4th of July sales going on and so did Gg she spoiled baby girl like crazy:) For dinner we met my parents at the TPC, we've done this for the past few years. Not far from the golf course there is a  huge sports complex where they have a big fireworks show, it's a perfect spot to watch because if it's to hot or buggy you can sit inside and still have a great view! Overall we had a great day spending lots of quality time together, Bry's been really busy at work lately so it was nice to have the whole day together! We hope every one had a Happy 4th!

Who needs fireworks when we've got our own firecracker ;)

Snuggling Gg
Grandpa can't get enough of her
They had a giant bouncy set up inside because
it was to hot out! The kids were going crazy over it 

I love my stelly girl
Auntie Stacy, poor stelly her skirt is up to her neck haha!

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