Wednesday, January 18, 2012

23 Weeks!

How far along? 23weeks

Maternity clothes? Yes, but I still have a few items I can fit in to

Stretch marks? None yet, but I'm checking all the time

Sleep? Sleeping ok. Its hard to stay on your left side but Dr. said its ok if I'm on my back or right side just try and switch off, so now its getting better

Best moment last week?Feeling her get way stronger and buying a stroller (not just any stroller a super chic one:) 

Movement?  I'm feeling her more and more everyday and for longer periods of time.  Its for awhile in the morning around 8 and at night around 9:30

Food cravings? Burgers, I never liked hamburgers until I got pregnant! Bry is loving it, they're his favorite food and he loves making them. These are not just any hamburgers they have sauteed mushrooms, pepper jack cheese, and best part of all... Onion Rings on a toasted bakery bun with bbq sauce! This is making me want one now haha and we've been eating them at least once a week

Gender? Girl,  Estella Marie

Labor signs? None

Belly button in/out? In

What I miss: I can't think of anything right now, so far I love being pregnant

What I am looking forward to: For Bry to be able to feel her kick

Milestones: Not anything big, other then I definitely grew this week. I had lots of growing pains and Bry even said your belly looks a lot bigger!

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