Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Updates....better late then never Right?

How far along? 22weeks

Maternity clothes? Yes, but I still have a few items I can fit in to

Stretch marks? Not yet, thank goodness. I put on my stretch mark cream everyday

Sleep? Sleeping ok, just getting up to pee and then I can't fall back asleep

Best moment last week?  Putting up the crib, I couldn't look at it in the box any longer

Movement? I'm feeling her move more and more. Mostly at night after 9pm is when she feels most active

Food cravings? So far root beer, chocolate donuts, and coldstone:)

Gender? Girl,  Estella Marie

Labor signs? Nope

Belly button in/out? In

What I miss: Nothing, so far I love being pregnant

What I am looking forward to: My 22week Dr. appointment on wed, I always look forward to hearing the heart beat it is so reassuring

Milestones: I don't think there was any big ones this week, Other then she should be one whole pound thats crazy

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