Wednesday, January 25, 2012

24 Weeks!

 How far along? 24 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yes, but thankful for a lot of shirts that aren't maternity that still work! There really isn't a ton of cute maternity clothes

Stretch marks? None yet, but I'm checking all the time

Sleep? Sleeping pretty good, I'll take it

Best moment last week?Having her daddy feel her kick for the first was so exciting!!!  

Movement?  Yep, lots even from the outside...she sure is getting bigger  and stronger

Food cravings? Still chocoalte donuts. Also my mom found a frozen smoothie mix made by Jamba Juice! These are my favorite but there isn't one close, so now I can have one whenever I want

Gender? Girl,  Estella Marie

Labor signs? None, thankfully

Belly button in/out? In

What I miss: Nothing as of now. I love having a baby bump and I've been really lucky with feeling well

What I am looking forward to: Finishing my antique dresser for the nursery. I need to wait for my mom to get home from Fl. to help ( I will post before and after pics)

Milestones: Bry being able to feel her, and once your baby hits 24 weeks they have a greater than 50-50 chance of survival

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